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0:00 – Intro
1:00 – Sparking Driftglobe Core
2:17 – Soulsteel Clamps
4:26 – Ultimate Form
7:33 – Familiar Predicaments
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Another article why people should not invest time in an unbalanced game
Thought he was going to say " See you in the summoner's rift" at the very end lul
Alright guys. Third video back to back with a shitty Klick bait title.
Just like I said three videos ago: Take my downvote – I will unfollow you and stop watching your videos, and I sure hope that others will do the same. Tragic decent in quality
repair the game, buff rdruid.
What's the name of his interface addon that makes his Ui looks so clean? at 4:27
does familiar predicaments stack with sephuz? obviously the lockout effect is different but the roots aspect is what i mean.
time for a true display of skill…capped
Don't forget necrolords horrify when their health drops. It's like the kyrian one except it's a 4.5 sec horrify
Please also note: fleshcrafting cc as resto druid can also lead to safe combat drop into re rake stun almost immediately afterwards
Should do a broken lvl 60 vid, and just have 10mins on how ret pallys are insane
Necrolord is sleeper, especially as it is mad buffed next patch
Who did not see this coming? BLIZZARD LOL
Not being able to play the game for 24 seconds every 60 sec sounds fair to me while melee have 100% uptime.
Rip dh 🙁
Voice WutFace WutFace
can the Freshcraft be interrupted?
Condemn broken af
Convoke is hands down the most op
Soulsteel Clamps is bugged doesnt work with incaps people need to report this bug
Give this man a raise
he said he has the macro for spirit walkers grace and flesh craft but didnt share it 🙁
he have really good voice for this sort of vidoes gj mate.
Stand still for 5 seconds?! HAHAHAHAHA, as if that's ever possible in the current state of the game. Blizz likes to troll its player base.
I run Necrolord Survival Hunter and I’m so stoked for the additional defensive benefit
Ezreal poggers
Cries in venthyr
Cool use of the word BROKEN as clickbait
LOL world of warcraft