Your critical strike is pathetic. Blood DKs need to be able to PARRY to mitigate. and use DEath strike in ANTICIPATION of damage not in response to it (if you can help it)
So funny thing about that jumping mechanic, an old dungeon for Cataclysm, The Stonecore, actually had that mechanic on trash mobs, where if you jump you avoid it otherwise it does damage to you Had a blast watching this and about how IBS would work as an in game ability
That warlock would probably be a really good recruiting officer!
Fear kissing microphone soundboard pls
Super Mario Sunshine ❤
a 7 is an old 17 so not that bad i gues, u guys where messing around way to much to blame the dungeon for this desaster XD entertaining to watch tho 🙂
Your critical strike is pathetic. Blood DKs need to be able to PARRY to mitigate. and use DEath strike in ANTICIPATION of damage not in response to it (if you can help it)
They're not too hard. youre unskilled
ANd youre a goblin. so theres that. go play around in a random pug BG
that was actually so entertaining, instant sub
refreshing to see people having a laugh in m+ KEKW. subbed!!
0:58 king 👑 i also said it 😂
So funny thing about that jumping mechanic, an old dungeon for Cataclysm, The Stonecore, actually had that mechanic on trash mobs, where if you jump you avoid it otherwise it does damage to you
Had a blast watching this and about how IBS would work as an in game ability
Good vid, King.
ur bad
Holy crap, its possible to have fun in m+??