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World of Warcraft Classic Anniversary Edition (that’s a mouthful!) released today. So here I am, Artraxius the Human Paladin, ready to join the celebration and attempt to level a character to sixty. So join me for some nostalgic questing as I work my way through the classic zones such as Elwynn Forest, Westfall, The Redridge Mountains, Duskwood and more!
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Always a chill vibe watching while I'm playing retail or working, Dan!
I almost forgot Bliz was going to do these Fresh servers… It's giving me the itch to play classic again 😀
Something about Warcraft 2002-2008 feels so grounded that I cannot find even in the latest expansions.
I loved the video!
You were sure quick on this, nice!
Love the experience of new classic servers, all the activity is so hectic and exciting first couple of days. Looking forward to another journey
He's BAAAACK!!! 🙂
Wow this brings back so many fond memories. From about 15 -20 years ago. When I'd go about makeing free till lvl25 joke characters. That I'd mess about with. Just for fun while waiting for new ( at the time) classic vanilla expansions ,like warth of the lich king to come out. Ah thos were the days before life and kids took over.(now I feel really old lol.😂) makes me want to find some time an hour or so this weekend mabye. To dust off my ancient boat anchor computer from 2003 . That the boys sometimes mess about on now. And make another freebie joke character just for nostalgia sake.
Just started watching, so far it is nostalgic and chill, keep up the good work!
Also a question, will you continue burning crusade or other expansions in this server?
You read the quets very good!
Subscribed so I can follow your journey 👏🏻