Pro Players ROAST Class Design: How To Fix Shadowlands PvP!

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0:00 – Intro
1:09 – Most Broken Classes
7:50 – Kinda Broken Classes
11:55 – Balance, But It’s Bad
13:32 – General Problems

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Concepts: wow, world of warcraft, shadowlands, wow shadowlands, arena, wow pvp, patch, 9.1, buff, nerf, ptr, retail


47 thoughts on “Pro Players ROAST Class Design: How To Fix Shadowlands PvP!”

  1. I gave up, took a few months off coming back to level alts and gold grind like a madlad, if I can't play the game then I will just play it by treating it like a job

  2. ´No sap in PvP. Bubble only 4s. Remove following abilities: Turtle, Cloak of shadows, Storm bolt, reduce healer seal healing, reduce all druid ccs: moonkin: cyclone, resto roots, feral normal stun, bear might bash, that's it!

  3. IMO main problem about class balance is that "designers" try to make classes first work in PvE situations (which is deterministic system) and then rebalance it for PvP (non deterministic system). I believe that this game would feel different in a better way if design was done other way around. Make all classes for PvP and then add/take away or rebalance what is needed for PvE.

  4. MW also feels horrible to play now, but I guess that’s not the topic here. Healing spheres, their serpent CD, rework of their renewing mist honor talent to the dispel one. It just feels bad. And only nerfing conq banner for warriors offensively doesn’t really make sense, when most of them play Kyrian and 30k execute you like it’s nothing. Idk, there’s about 900 more things I would change about classes, but this is a start I guess.

  5. I'm a ex hpal/ret main and normally ya'lls pally takes are garbo toxic but that was pretty aight.
    Awakening feels bad bc its random and like you said, the proc rate can make or break games. Hpal certainly doesn't need nerfs but a redesign to take win conditions out of Godess Fortuna's hands would feel SO much better.
    Same thing with ret, can't touch their burst unless something else is given or else you'll kill us outright. Ringing clarity feels good when it gos boom, but man….when you get 0 procs and 1 holy power from divine toll? Feels. So. Bad. Can confirm crusader strike literally heals the enemy. Taking more random chance out of the game (when properly compensated for else where) would also be a solid change. For both my heart/stress and the game meta as a whole.

  6. I get hit for 20k demonbolts from demo locks that get left to run amok in RBGs at 34% verse btw.
    So i'm kinda "naw" on your 'lets just let them have fun for a bit' take
    Unless i get around to making that lock alt happen lmao

  7. There is too much to be tuned, kinda everyting, and each time they tune something they break something else so we all know PVP BALANCE is not going to happen any time soon or maybe not at all this entire xpansion. Honestly ? i'd take out all covenants, all legendaries and just let the class be the class as it is.

  8. Want a way to balance all the problems due to cooldowns stacking ? Just remove most of them and give back to the classes the real damage that they use to do… Wrath meta was as fast paced as shadowland (or even faster) but you would know how and from where damage came from, there was almost no damage multipliers… at most a class had 2 big ones and they were extremely telegraphed

  9. One of the main issues with PvP in Shadowlands is the literal 15IQ assumption that squishing the cap to 60 and drifting back into a vanilla-flavored “and then you’re dead” playstyle would be as popular with retail as it was with people who played classic during the development cycle of Shadowlands.

    Paralleling the 15 year old design philosophy of what was an ancillary system to begin with was a horrible ‘good idea’; to say nothing of how badly it merged with current meta tactics and mentality.

    Or maybe I’m seeing similarities that don’t exist and I’m just salty as fuck I play the same 10 teams over and over for my entire arena session past a certain rating.

  10. Good analysis. Hope they listen. From my side you forgot to say that we need only 2 pvp gears. 1 honour 1 conquest, no upgrades. Conduits and sockets should be possible to buy with honour, just make 100k honour for 1 socket. And give possibility to alliance and horde play together.

  11. At this point, what do you guys think about disableing all conduit and legendary effects to actually have a chance with thiere low to no effort to kinda balance pvp and remove the frustrating i one shot someone just because i got lucky with multiply stacking (at least for me it doesnt feel good when i lose or win this way) so they have more of an overview on how to reduce the dmg caused problems?

    I kinda feel like the more multipliers / effects active you have, the more difficult it gets to balance, so they are not able to reduce those big problems as they have shown the last nearly 1 year ( as mentioned i think in a previous skill capped video)

    Edit: Also what i forgot to mention what i liked was being able to play pvp as a mmo version of chess i knew if he was missing those cooldowns and we would get those setups we would win, i know what abilitys the had to counter that so me and my mates planed around that, thats how my team and me enjoyed pvp. But now we played the first months of shadowlands pvp and then quit after all the passives and legendary effects popped in, it wasn't fun for us. ( Example oh hey the kill target has no cds, the healer no trinket cd etc. and the target should be dead, but the passive autoproc from soulbinds says he aoe stuns and sometimes denies the kill attempt, it feels bad, the enemy didnt work for it, he didnt plan to use this cd, it just procced and no thought was behind it) At the same time sometimes multiple classes could oneshot us / we them in like 1 sec just because we or they got lucky with procs ( like ringing clairity dealing 0 dmg when not getting many procs and insane dmg if you get all the procs + crits and so on).

    Maybe changing the crit multiplier would also do some stuff to kinda reduce the heavy dmg spikes that just 100-0 somebody / to reduce like 30k condem / spinning crane hits or whatever? I just hope they do something to make this fun again. ( Happy for you if you still enjoy it)

  12. they nerfed malefic rapture just because it was good in the CN, even bad in M+ and arena at that time. they have no idea about PVP. so afflocks have no weapon. just have huge risk, and no returns.

  13. what you are suggesting is basically ruining every fun class atm, "seems like it can win, nerf it" I do not like that approach. "make mages sustain dps' lmao. You did make a lot of good suggestions though.


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