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This NOT A PRIVATE SERVER. This is a Classic Era server called Deviate Delight on NA.
The players of Deviate Delight are proud to welcome all new players who enjoy that feeling of playing on a Classic Fresh Vanilla server. This server had basically been abandoned by Blizzard. There were no players playing on it, so we recently started there as FRESH level 1 characters…. and we invite you to do the same!
Community Discord:
➤ Alodar’s Twitch:
➤ Alodar’s Twitter:
➤ Alodar’s Discord:
➤ Alodar’s Main Instagram:
➤ Alodar’s Gaming Instagram:
Ground Will Tremble – Filip Lackovic
let's go!!!!
Gave me CHILLS! Let’s gooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Deviate Delighttttt!!!
Classic fresshhhh
Come join us!
Joined this server recently on horde side and been having a blast so far. The community guild has a handful of members active even late at night and new people are still joining! If you're itching for something fresh with great people, this is the one.
Woooo! We want fresh!
Hell yeah! I rolled up a toon a couple days ago on the alliance side. Whisper anybody in guild <Refresh> for an invite! It’s been a fun and kinda novel way to play the game. So many herbs and mining nodes left untouched lol.
Hell yes, I’m here for it man. There is definitely activity horde guild has 30+ grouping and leveling..
This is awesome! lets make this pop off!!