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As part of World of Warcraft’s 30th Anniversary, Classic WoW has had some HUGE announcements, including fresh Vanilla anniversary realms, Burning Crusade (TBC) Realms AND Hardcore Realms.
Whatever version of Classic you wished for – chance are that you now are able to go and play it again!
Today we are going to be checking over all the news that has dropped, and will be talking over it and what to expect in the future for Classic WoW
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I have a lvl 52 orc warrior on skull rock right now. Ill have to split my time between getting him to 60 and fresh… oh well fresh will be fun regardless
i think the biggest issue with classic is the toxic world buff situation, even with displacer, having to get 900 world buffs prior to each raid is cancer, just make 1 buff that comes from onyxias head and call it a day. Also, 40 man raids are ass, and dont give enough loot. make the raids 20 man and up the loot. we have a condensed time frame, so it makes more sense if loot is a little more abundant and groups are easier to form. SOD 10 man raids and even the 20 man raids were a huge success and show that its definitely what the community wants
tired of the rinse and repeat, set realms and let ppl play and maybe improve the graphics a bit??
The only classic that worked properly was 2019 vanilla classic. Other tham that TBC, LK and Cata were good for the first month only.
Now ppl se Pandaria Classic coming and everyone is "oh wow now it'll work" No it won't.
Back to Classic Vanilla again tho
is this going to be TBC era or just wither away eventually just like any non vanilla classic era server?
Watching this makes me want to play less. Because seeing i only have until next winter with classic sucks i want at least 2 years.
I need to level 8 classes, max their professions, dungeons and try raiding..
It means its a job and i dont have time for battlegrounds which is what i rwally want to do. I wish they took it slow and let people have alts rather than gogoogogo need new content because some guys can get 60 in 3 days
Guys how many times will blizzard wring out our money with our nostalgia?!? It was cool the first time but damn over and over again is kind of fucked up lmao
kinda seems like a cash grab before Q4 ends. low effort, low cost, and high yield. A quick burst of subs for shareholders before the new year.
I dont understand why blizz is so eager to release anything BUT what everyone wants which is classic+
dual talent plzzzz we need dual talent in classic wow
I really hope they change the Gnomeregan mace so it is no longer a consumable like in SoD…
Gdkp policy is dumb
I missed out on the og classic back in the day, due to irl hard life events. I'm so glad they are re-releasing it now when i finally have time to play!
Are servers going to progress to Wotlk?
Was super excited for this but ngl I have been having an absolute blast playing cata classic the last couple of weeks… But at the same time I've never experienced TBC raiding content, mostly PVP back in the day and missed out in 2021/22 due to life stuff so I definitely have some decisions to make.
Fuck off with all of this, rip the bandaid off
Yep, no tbc, yep, no vanilla, get over it, “classic” mop? Really?
That’s it. We don’t need 8 damn versions of the game
3:30 but HC is "everfresh" as upon death (unless you have alts lined up on that server), you can go again on that or another server
HC = W
Vanilla fresh = W
TBC coming = W
Cata/MoP = L
11:45 Honestly Warlords of Draenor Classic would be pretty good as long as they made it much shorter than the original. WoD's main problem wasn't bad content, it was a lack of content. So if you do WoD in half the time I don't see a problem with it.
Dual spec announced for classic
SoD going to 100% just watch a video. Phase 1 of it turned me off of playing it as it was not what I thought it was going to be at all.
fresh is sick until you remember boon is coming back. completely fries the original classic wpvp scene
Man 1 PVP & 1 PVE is 100% the way to go. I just wish we got the same thing for TBC and Wrath! I do like the idea of a 3 year cycle for Vanilla, TBC & Wrath that would be awesome
i am so excited for WoD classic. all those stupid wod jokes we made when wotlk classic was announced will finally come true kek
the fact we didnt get classic + announcement or anything substantial for SoD is really unfortuate.
They could copy turtle server and make a classic+ instead……. but they repeat the classic fresh, wich will have some hype at start and get empty some monts later…. :(((
So we just got a new blue post. Adding in 3 more things for classic fresh, but still no Guild Bank wth? So we get wrath QoL but not bg from Tbc, ehh? The 3 changes are:
* Instant mail between your characters on the same account
* Removal of buff/debuff limit
* Dual spec
So benediction priest quest is back?
Can we get flight paths that make sense lol
I can't say I see the point in hard core fresh. With Hard core being the game mode that it is, new content will always kind of create itself, and low areas will always get populated since characters will die, and people will have to relevel new characters without dying, it's a fun challenge that to my mind should just be left as it is. Maybe get rid of the Z axis thing, dumb bugs and invisible gaps like the Searing Gorge bridge or the spot in Sunken Temple where people always fall through the floor, but other than that, hard core will support itself if it's just left as it is.
TBC fresh is deffinetely something I can understand. Maybe even leave the servers as TBC era when that fresh thing has ran it's course. Just keep it on the sunwell phase, just like Classic Era is in Naxx phase. Won't that hurt the population and cause disinterrest? No it won't. Classic era did pop off for a while and still holds a healthy population in all level ranges. I got a warrior on classic era that I like to level on and off, and I haven't had much trouble with finding help with group content at all. When a server is stuck on that one phase and is just there, players who enjoy that version of the game will just keep playing there, maybe make new characters, raid on those new characters, people have been doing this for years on private servers like Warmane Lordaeron and Icecrown which both are stuck on ICC patch in wrath, and still have a healthy population despite not changing or adding anything new for years.
On the subject of WoD classic, I wouldn't shy away from doing WoD classic. Blizzard have on many occations admitted their mistakes with WoD, it's just that instead of fixing WoD at the time, they instead spent their energy creating legion. Ever since TBC classic came out with the changes it had with alliance paladins getting seal of the martyr, horde paladins getting seal of corruption, I've had the idea of "if they can make these changes to TBC classic, they can for sure redeem WoD if they ever get to that expansion". Remember all the hype that WoD had originally? And how people really enjoyed it at the start? It was so good. With all the potential it had, it's a shame that it was abandoned. Imagine a WoD expansion with all the cut content included, garrisons being less conventient or just removed, players will have to gather and mine in the open world, no mission table, so people will have to do dungeons and raids to get gear instead of playing the mission table slot machine. They've already redeemed cata in my opinion, at least the early game with tier 11. Why can't they redeem WoD?
classic should of stopped at Lich
i haven't played since lich ended
i do play on warmane
Where is the real progression wow? Like The game is unlocked to lich king but you have to be in a guild finished each raid to progress to the next one. That would be fun then we could see what guilds can clear all of the wow content to lich king the fastest. Like you kill rag and onxy and ZG is unlocked then BWL is unlocked and then once you finished ZG and then once you finished that ZQ and then Nax after nax 70 is unlocked for your guild. Then you gotta go through all the raids in BC to unlock Wraith. I feed like this could be tons of fun.
lil tip for you.. wintersbite is gonna be big the first couple of months. this time around we get the winter event at the start, and thus we get instant access to elixir of frost power and +7 frost dmg to weapon enchant. just roll herbalism 😉
If they don't leave a server up for MoP when it's over, I think that's a wrap for Classic.
It is at this point that you realize: you will be playing World of Warcraft until the day you die
Fresh hype!!
I'm just really curious on what the fresh servers will do the existing – and popping – HC servers. I am definitely stoked to move into TBC HC in the future, but current HC servers are great! Are more people going to restart or stay where they're at until TBC comes out?
mop classic omg :$ awesome
2 big changes confirmed : Dualspec & no buff/debuff limits.
I don't get how people keep buying into this whole classic bs hype. Blizzard launched classic in 2018 and it was great, until their greed took over and they walked back all their promises of not overmonetizing it. Now classic is full of bots and all the annoying parts of modern wow but with even more timewasters and less convenience, literally a worse of both worlds and they keep milking the hell out of players with cosmetics and overpriced services every new expansion as well.
2:04 inb4 the pvp server is horde dominated and the pve one is alliance dominated
we have SoD for the "vanilla" feeling. I would rather play fresh TBC progressing to Wotlk. If they added minor changes to talents(not the SoD scrambled eggs) and new content to vanilla i would probably play it( vanilla+).
ao its a loop
No way. Two x 60s already on classic era. Why the fk wanna do it all again? SOD is fun enough.
No GdKP?? Meaning MORE people will buy gold from gold sites. Because to make money in classic you will need no life and 5 hour farming a day.
I'm definitely coming back to WOW classic again. The hype is just another level.
How will mage farming look like? Dungeon resets, aoe cap etc. Will aoe farming in SM, ZF and ZG be viable?