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With Shadowlands out, I of course had to give it a go.
Join me today as CLASSIC MAN takes his journey into the new expansion and gives his first impressions!
Music used, In order:
Ardenweald Music:
Outro – A small track from Winterspring, “Winterspring 5”… @27min
#shadowlands #wow #warcraft #classicwow #TBC #TheBurningCrusade
I really like that the callings aren't just "do X world quests" the little bit of variety in find some chests or kill some rares is pretty nice.
Game feels so boring… feels like a single player adventure.
Haven't logged in SL yet haha waiting for the lag wave to pass by then enjoy it at my own pace!
I've played it a bit, made a new character with some friends from Classic and I don't know man. I think I saw about 10 players in the world leveling up and none of them were from my server. Four of them were Russian. When SL launched there were loads of people, but still, not many from my server. Now that we've gone a few days and I can't find anyone from my server. Where is everyone? All these guild names, they don't mean anything because they aren't even on my server. I think at this point WoW is just designed for another demographic, one that doesn't really care about the community aspect of MMOs. But that's fine, you have your games and I have Classic.
A classic man knows how to play Shadowlands WutFace
Holy shit, people actually play Alliance? In retail? Why lmao
I’m definitely curious but I know the game has changed so much since the days of classic / TBC / WoTLK and I don’t want to pay for the expansion. A monthly fee is bad enough.
You really want to be using a tanking pet during Torghast, if you can. It makes such an incredible difference, as a warlock.
Still on level 58, taking it reeeeal slow over here. But obviously, my Orc Warrior has to pick Necrolords as a covenant. Endless fighting to protect your homelands, Vashj is cool as heck, Draka is Orc Bae – what's not to love?
NA is 5 time zones so put your math next to your lore :p
I haven't bought shadowlands, I'm honestly too focused on classic due to nax releasing next week, if they were a little bit further apart I probably would have tried it but that almost simultaneous release has made it a hard pass from me.
This was quite the clean launch got on an hour before and got to 58 with no dc that's amazing imo
Looking forward to the rest of the expansion!
Hard pass on the new expansion, for the first time in 15 years I’m confident I will never play retail wow again
Being able to play a balance druid without being laught at is priceless 🙂
With the coming of Naxx my Classic feral druid will probably face the bench mostly so i am happy to leave the "WBed fury warriors: the game" and actually be able to do random bgs against non premades, dungeons etc. No more loot frustration as well. Which is a good change.
Loving SL so far. It is a win PVPwise, PVEwise and storywise. Gorgeous worlds and grindable non RNG character progression. And i actually met really nice players in LFD. I see many refugees from WB Classic as well among those. The non min max crowd. Who would have thought ^^
"retail leveling felt like a good single player game" – there are MANY better single player games.
I'm just insanely hype for the content. Need to get my Boomie into the raid so I can do mediocre damage whilst trying to lead my raid
This is the first expansion I have not played at release and not sure if I will ever return to retail
I quit Classic for this. Literally ZERO regret.
i really like shadowlands overall, but after 50 runs of the same dungeon for my legendary and still not getting it… pretty salty
classic is dead until TBC
I still don't understand Conduits, Anima, and all that other crap.
Too many temporary systems if you ask me.
Yea even BFA was good from start first month before everyone realised how bad it was … how fortunetly I will have Cyberpunk 2077 to play in less then a month to even try this money trap called "world" of warcraft anymore.
I dont have time to play shadowlands, I'm levelling my priest to play in TBC!
With Blizzard/WoW's history I feel like it's best to wait a month or 2 before I decide about buying the expansion or not. It's as you said: "At the start everything new is interesting and fun", it takes a bit of time before people bump into the issues so I'll patiently wait untill that happens, or doesn't, who knows…
Classic man??? You're a TBC fanboy, you seem like a fanboy of anything blizz releases. You almost seem like a shill for their releases sometimes.
Apologetic for its downsides, overhyped for its "up-sides"
Every, single, gameplay thing i've seen about shadowlands is someone standing there, casting bolts and then the badguy dies with little movement or effort… It's really bizarre un-engaging.
i dont like torgass it feels like a chore and its too arcadey.. i mean ur gear dousnt even matter.. its missin a little somthin idk what tho
I'd like to play it but honestly I can't afford it. £35 is a lot to me especially so close to Christmas.
I am SO glad I picked Night Fae! How often do you get to see a play re-enacting your own adventures in the game, really now! That was the most fun I've had. I just had to dance when they turned me into Nathanos! XD
Man, everyone i hear says they don't plan on raiding this time around (me included). Wonder what's happened that made so many people not want to raid, and if there's enough things to keep us around without it.
On the game itself, it's strange to go from "pick any expansion and zone and level any way you want from 1-50" to "linear, mandatory campaign"…
As for the "there's not much you HAVE to do, you just do what you want", it's shit. If a WQ only gives you like 100 anima and it requires the murdering of 16 mobs and looting of 8 things, you can be sure a lot of people won't do it. WQs feel more unrewarding than ever, and while that may not be a bad thing, if they are so set on having WQs be useless, why have them in-game at all?
I can basically finish all i have to do in like an hour or so, kill some "rares" in the Maw and do the daily 2 quests to hit reputation cap, then do the 3 WQs for the emissary quest and that's it. This doesn't help me progress my character at all, so the only way to get some actual gear is the old way of doing dungeons and PvP and raiding. Feels like a step backwards compared to other expansions where you could progress your character daily with some AP or some lucky titanforging (not that i want the exact same system, just maybe have WQs spawn gear that's got a higher chance to roll tertiary stats and scale it up to your ilvl) with the HC ilvl as a cap, so 171 for now).
Hmm about them balancing things after the heroic week, would be such a 5head move to have a really OP spec like say affliction and have everyone agree to actually play badly during the HC week so they don't get any nerfs and then have them go CRAZY during mythic progression 😀
looks great but it is boring.
No mounts in maw annoyed me at first but it gets kind of a classic feeling. Enemys are tough and players are slow. Which lead to me grouping up a lot in this zone. YOu met players by being near them. Sicne you can share map pins in chat now, players will group by their location within the maw to defeat powerful enemys. Its odd how players praise classic for its slower pace and then bash the maw for being slower paced