You guys remember that "Grove Warden" moose mound back from the Hellfire Citadel raid? This token help a lot of people get it as many guilds were offering carries if not spots available to just regular max level characters in order to get it, pretty much reinforcing the whole pay to win comment.
I mean people bought gold at higher price from semi-trustable bot services anyway, so token is just legalizing what people already did and what blizzard didn’t have enough resources to combat efficiently
I used to farm enough gold per month, to pay for my monthly addiction. But then kids happened and life got too busy to play as much. 20 years later I still pay RL gold!!
I bought my first token 2 days ago after playing the game since BC. I have always made enough gold through hours of play time but that was with running alts to do all my mat gathering to support my main. Now, as much as i would love to, i just dont have the time and end up just buying mats. The payola aspect is a little greasy but no where near as greasy as giving your info to some seller on line that might just want to use your info for themselves. Basically it's making things safer for those that don't have time to farm
I didn't have to pay for a subscription with IRL dollareedoos for 4 years. If memory serves, I believe the initial cost was really low (even for the time) at like 25k maybe? Either way, I loved it!
Eh. I think people who cry about the pay2win are just naive. The people who spend money on tokens were buying gold from gold sellers anyway, so they were still paying to win. The token just made it possible for people who can't afford to pay for a sub to provide the gold for the people who want to pay real money for gold. Player A buys token for $20, sells it on AH, player B that can't afford sub then pays gold for player A's token. It's not disrupting the economy, it's actually STABILIZING the economy. Without tokens, Player A would spend that $20 on gold from a gold seller. Meanwhile player B can't afford to play and all of their gold sits in their inactive account.
I probably wouldn't be playing the game without the WoW token. I've made over 15 million gold over the years and I've only got 3m left. The other 12m went to paying for my entire sub + all the games I've played
Just some times since im getting back into the priest grove in fresh. Renew is definitely your best friend in the early dungeons, at least up till SFK. Once you get there, you should always be using heal on the main tank and some lesser heals for the dps. Also, imo the shield is a little bit of a waste of mana. Just use your heal, lesser heal, and renew. This becomes more apparent when every tank you get is a druid or warrior who dont benefit from it. I would only use it on the squishy caster dps who got aggro and then pop a quick flash heal on them. And as for your aggro scares, definitely get fade it is vital in HC dungeons, especially when you use your big heals. You also want to use your mana on the main tank most of the time, but in these lower level dungeons, i guess it's hard with aggro going all over the place. Once you get into WC, make sure not to over heal your targeted team mate it will really drain your mana, which is your most important resource in HC. I would recommend changing the party frames into raid ones as it shows you your teammates' full health and how much they have left so you can heal accordingly. These are just some tips for now. Also, int is the main stat until spellpower gear starts dropping, and then you should focus on getting that.
The 90$ auction house mount is the latest shit move by Blizzard. We all pay $15 monthly, many bought TWW early access and they still want more! And it's personally reached a point where there is too many rewards and things to acquire that it all becomes too much. Fuck it.
I love the token! I don’t have time for professions or farming gold! 20$ which isn’t even a hour at work get avg 250k and saves me hours of time so I can do M+ all day!
Love this guy
My precious 😍
It also opened up the game to a lot of people in Latam who couldn't pay their sub normally so they just farm gold like degenerates every month. Lol
You guys remember that "Grove Warden" moose mound back from the Hellfire Citadel raid? This token help a lot of people get it as many guilds were offering carries if not spots available to just regular max level characters in order to get it, pretty much reinforcing the whole pay to win comment.
I mean people bought gold at higher price from semi-trustable bot services anyway, so token is just legalizing what people already did and what blizzard didn’t have enough resources to combat efficiently
Personally I think a token was one of the better choices they made for how to combat gold selling
It’s not one that people didn’t know or don’t know, it’s on going to this day bro. Lol
Watching these videos before bed is the single most consistent thing in my life
I used to farm enough gold per month, to pay for my monthly addiction. But then kids happened and life got too busy to play as much. 20 years later I still pay RL gold!!
I bought my first token 2 days ago after playing the game since BC. I have always made enough gold through hours of play time but that was with running alts to do all my mat gathering to support my main. Now, as much as i would love to, i just dont have the time and end up just buying mats. The payola aspect is a little greasy but no where near as greasy as giving your info to some seller on line that might just want to use your info for themselves. Basically it's making things safer for those that don't have time to farm
I didn't have to pay for a subscription with IRL dollareedoos for 4 years. If memory serves, I believe the initial cost was really low (even for the time) at like 25k maybe? Either way, I loved it!
Eh. I think people who cry about the pay2win are just naive. The people who spend money on tokens were buying gold from gold sellers anyway, so they were still paying to win. The token just made it possible for people who can't afford to pay for a sub to provide the gold for the people who want to pay real money for gold. Player A buys token for $20, sells it on AH, player B that can't afford sub then pays gold for player A's token. It's not disrupting the economy, it's actually STABILIZING the economy. Without tokens, Player A would spend that $20 on gold from a gold seller. Meanwhile player B can't afford to play and all of their gold sits in their inactive account.
Life is pay to win.
I probably wouldn't be playing the game without the WoW token. I've made over 15 million gold over the years and I've only got 3m left. The other 12m went to paying for my entire sub + all the games I've played
Just some times since im getting back into the priest grove in fresh. Renew is definitely your best friend in the early dungeons, at least up till SFK. Once you get there, you should always be using heal on the main tank and some lesser heals for the dps. Also, imo the shield is a little bit of a waste of mana. Just use your heal, lesser heal, and renew. This becomes more apparent when every tank you get is a druid or warrior who dont benefit from it. I would only use it on the squishy caster dps who got aggro and then pop a quick flash heal on them. And as for your aggro scares, definitely get fade it is vital in HC dungeons, especially when you use your big heals. You also want to use your mana on the main tank most of the time, but in these lower level dungeons, i guess it's hard with aggro going all over the place. Once you get into WC, make sure not to over heal your targeted team mate it will really drain your mana, which is your most important resource in HC. I would recommend changing the party frames into raid ones as it shows you your teammates' full health and how much they have left so you can heal accordingly. These are just some tips for now. Also, int is the main stat until spellpower gear starts dropping, and then you should focus on getting that.
All these videos is stuff that everyone already knows
The 90$ auction house mount is the latest shit move by Blizzard. We all pay $15 monthly, many bought TWW early access and they still want more! And it's personally reached a point where there is too many rewards and things to acquire that it all becomes too much. Fuck it.
The biggest problem is they never stopped the gold sellers
the most controversial addition to World of Warcraft
Dude, the token beats nothing on the addition of the shop, there was a major backlash to it.
Morhaime tried to calm the community down about it, but it was one of first things that caused some backlash
Followers mission in legion broke the economy.with 10 class, I made 1 million gold every month
That's a "fun" fact
I love the token! I don’t have time for professions or farming gold! 20$ which isn’t even a hour at work get avg 250k and saves me hours of time so I can do M+ all day!
Those facts are the most bs "no one knows" ever. And at this point it's infuriating
Yet the Chinese farming and botting is full forced years later. WoD killed the game while attempting to appease the younger players.