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Welcome to my guide on setting up my second version of the Clean WoW UI or which I’m going to call from now on KokUI! This UI works for all Healers, DPS and Tanks! This UI is ready for Shadowlands patch 9.0 and 9.1 and will be receiving constant updates from myself for as long as I’m playing WoW and creating content!
This UI is for supporters of the channel – however a free UI is also available here –
If you have any issues with setting up the UI please let me know on Discord and I’ll do my best to help you guys out!
Thank you for all the support!
00:00 – Intro
00:30 – Old UI
00:58 – New Changes
03:33 – Get The UI
05:27 – Installing the UI
07:17 – WeakAuras
07:54 – Future UI
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Hey Koks! Hope you guys like the new UI! If you have any issues or any suggestions please do let me know either here or prefereably on Discord! Hope you are all hyped for BlizzConline! Again thank you for all the support, I can't say thank you enough – you guys rock!
Don't forget to subscribe to Kokushi for his amazing content you nerds
Hey! Nice UI, is that DBM under your player unitframe ? If not what's the addon and how to make it look like it? Looks clean
Very nice ui setup. I love Elvui, only thing I dislike is when both friendly and enemy bars show at the same time… lol I have it set not to do that but sometimes it auto reverts back, annoying.
Thank you for all your awesome guides!! 👌
So basically my ui that i made myself and have used for years, but with 1000s of views and ad money. Good. Great.
Just last night I downloaded your previous UI xD
Silly me I should've waited! Thanks Koku!
might have to try it to get the answer, but how does your UI show things like insanity for spriest?