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A quick and direct guide to collecting all the Celebration Crates, it’s the fast way to obtain the Detective title needed to earn Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle!
Swag stuff
Streaming Tuesday through Thursday 830AM Pacific
0:00 Intro
1:40 Secret Finding Tutorial
3:02 Celebration Crate collection start
3:11 Sun-baked note
3:24 Hazy note
3:38 Soggy note
3:56 Surprisingly pristine note
4:29 Charred note
4:37 Mildewed note
4:58 Sandy note
5:33 Dirt-caked note
5:57 Battered note
6:05 Crystallized note
6:18 Ghostly note
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🎉🎉❤❤❤Something else I need!
Awesome guide, mate. I got super frustrated last night, I'm on the second bit of the cycle where you have to go to maldraxxas. My main didn't do shadowlands, I was okay well I'll go do the story till I unlock flight paths, but there's a bug right now where if you skip the maw introduction you end up in oribos and the npc never spawns to start the initial quest so I'm stuck and can't do anymore of the secret pillars till they patch the bug… super frustrating.
DONT NEED CRATES FOR THE BIKE!!! only need 2 achieve for the title, and can avoid these completely. My brother is doing it and is with me in the kara secret with 9 coins of hate.
The lock room before the room where the Felcycle mount is displayed…..if you stand close to the locked gate/door, you'll be able to access the "arcane device" and play the puzzle game. Not sure if it was intended or a bug because once you're in the puzzle game, there is no exiting….you'll have to exit WoW to get of there.
Hearts for the algorithm ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Heading to shadowlands always makes me feel unwell. Thanks for the quick guide so I could be there for as little time as possible! 😀
Well done.
Not everyone uses tomtom or coordinates – open your damn map instead of just cutting to where you're standing next to the crate. At least if you open your map we can pause and figure out where you are.
Was getting triggered about not finding NR11 as it has been no guide from others. So to finaly see someone show where the last crate is. Is just a blessing thank you Soul
hmm, need the waterlogged receipt? I'll have to check if I still have it. I suppose I could grab it on some character if necessary. It does seem as if you can do ach account-wide, so that's good.
I still do not have the "Do you have any harder challenges?" as a dialogue option even after doing the pre-requirements. Not a single guide tells me how they actually got the dialogue option. Please Help. UPDATE: There is actually a second quest from Benatauk that you have to do in order to get the dialogue option to appear at Alyx.
Yes, don't be like me and start these on your Priest. I have no idea why I did not use my mage.
Waterlogged crate in Tanaris can be gotten from outside the building. Just wait for the cogwheel to turn golden and hit F
That very first NPC (Alyx) doesn't offer me any quests at all. She just says "It's would be easier to heard cats than coordinates this event." and that's where it stops.
Really wish u would have shown spots on the maps… had corrs
Technically the Silithus crate is in the AQ zone, FYI. It's obvious based on the description and the video, but initially I did go to those coords in Silithus and found nothing.
Are you sure about the Silithus cave coordinates? When I put 42 92 it takes me into Ahn Qiraj. As far as I can tell there is no 92 in Silithus so I can't find the cave at all.
Been a fan for a while, but seriously Soul… When making vids like this, PLEASE pop open your map to quickly show where you are. Even with map coords some of these were still confusing.
A couple of problems with this video.
1) Silithus cave isn't in Silithus but in Ahn Qiraj.
2) Waypoint for Potion of Truth is at 47, 38 not 28
Also I think he says there are 11 crates but its only 9.
Next time show screenshots on the map of where these locations are. Not everyone has coordinates and it’s hard to visualize where you are without a map…
Ty to the comments for filling in this guides gaps
Watch what I do but let me speed it up so you can’t tell what im doing. So annoying
Thanks very useful😊
The door with the humming crystal if you zoom in and look in the ground to the left there is a machine called arcane device if you click on it it’s a game like candy crush it’s never ending though been at it for 15 mins and nothing happened also when you get close to that door there’s a debuff that says you are being watched might be a new secret because wasn’t there before
And underneath the fel cycle there is a rare gator and his name is Tock not sure what he’s for but my torch reacts to him and he’s a level 80