World of Warcraft Shadowlands Eternity's End Sylvanas Judgment cinematics and cutscenes | REACTIONS

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Sylvanas Windrunner is sentenced to Journey Into The maw and find all the souls she condemned in the horrible genocidal Wars she committed against so many, she will have a very long time to herself to think about her actions and what it all really meant in the end and also find a way to atone for her actions it will take hundreds of years maybe thousands but she will do this.
#sylvanaswindrunner #worldofwarcraft #eternitysend #shadowlands

00:00 – Introduction
01:52 – Pelagos Becomes The New Arbiter
05:04 – Judgment Part 2 Shadowlands Eternity’s End game cutscene
09:37 – Sylvanas Judgment cutscene Shadowlands Epilogue and Windrunner reunion
25:46 – Final Thoughts

Video Links:
Pelagos Becomes The New Arbiter:

Judgment Part 2 Shadowlands Eternity’s End game cutscene:

Sylvanas Judgment cutscene Shadowlands Epilogue and Windrunner reunion:

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3 thoughts on “World of Warcraft Shadowlands Eternity's End Sylvanas Judgment cinematics and cutscenes | REACTIONS”

  1. Yeah Arbiter Pelagos is probably going to annoy the Venthyr a lot sending them souls they can't fix lol.

    Anduin is hinted to actually be joining Sylvanas in the Maw. In the newest book released based around Sylvanas while in the Maw she speaks of a familiar voice and clunky armor approaching her and quotes Anduin at the end of the novel.

    As for the next expansion it's going to be based around the Dragonflight after some leaks got out.

  2. Like Sylvanas said killing her off would be an easy task,eventho i initially wanted them to kill her off but, shes a popular character,many people would be triggered by that i assume 😀 But then again they killed off Arthas too who was equally if not more popular so you never know… Anyway this kind of sentence to be stuck in a maw for a loooooong time is fair(theres also some claims that she agreed to it so easily since she plans to find Nathanos in there),it left the developers in a situation where they can use her again in the next expansions to come,but she will take a break now,and i think thats a good move,shes been the character that pushes the story forward since Legion basically,thats 3 expansions now,she needs to stay in the shadows and let someone else take the wheel 😀


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