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Brand new Whispers of the Everliving Statuette, offer some crazy new Shadowlands prophecies.
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:

Recently in 9.1 PTR some new information was datamined from the so-called Archivists’ Codex. We discover a statue known as the Everliving Statuette and as soon as we get it, it starts laying down new lore and whispers quite akin to Old god ones.

‘Hidden from daylight, a sleeping flame rests atop the sixth tree’ and ‘The seventh covets what the six hold fast. The fulcrum wavers. All will be undone’ are just some of the most interesting ones. We still don’t know what this ‘stattuete’ really is and what master it serves, but thus far not only does this read like Old God/Void whispers but many bits of information hint at such a thing as well.

All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at [email protected]


17 thoughts on “CRAZY NEW Old God WHISPERS In The SHADOWLANDS – 9.1 Spoilers!”

  1. Idk but after everything Blizzard did I have a feeling that Shadowlands is for them like they are about drink water that's 50/50 poisoned. They do it right and be still there, or they f**k it up and they become meme like Bethesda with Fallout 76, which is sad, bcs I grew up on Warcraft II and I like their games, but they become extremely money hungry.

  2. The six cosmological forces bound every first one so they would reign by themselves and these forces battle until only one force is left.

    Zovaal tried to release a first one. Something bigger than him.

  3. Who in the game covets what others have? Who is effectively their own cosmological force (sheer will) at this point? It's us.
    Put a mount drop onto someone and watch us go mad. That one might be an inside joke by the wow devs.

  4. I hope that if they are thinking of bringing back wn old god in 9.2 or after it it'll be better than whispers of Nzoth in bfa. Or these whispers are just whispers hinting us about other things on the expansion and theres no old god comeback (although were in the shadowlands so basically they can get also the dead old gods🤷‍♂️)

  5. Man i know some people dont like the lore cs they prefer allliance vs horde war. I actualy like this, curently this is the only thing that will make me come back for 9.1 aside from my guild. 2 things they do right in my opinion are lore and raids. Biggest mistake in Shadowlands in my opinion is design of covenants. If they made them all about cosmetics and if mounts were usable by all your characters it would be far better. This way on my priest nf for shadow pve, kyrian for disc m+, vent for disc in raids. It sucks man. Wont even talk about conduit energy. Blizzard is taking freedom away from players for no reason. And that sht that i need 4 different characters to play entire story of 9.0 fck it!

  6. Why do we care about the old gods when they where puppets of the void Lords. We are now facing the likes of the jailer and looking into the lore of the old ones. Old gods are just trash bosses now

  7. jailer is going to valhalla for odins chair! Hes going to ride it back to Ulduar to mess with Yogg! THE ODL GOD OF DEATH! maybe just rip him out! willing or otherwise he would help the jailer kill azeroth!

  8. its just more vague shit they say in every xpac, same whispers in legion, bfa now shadowlands, they mean nothing and only are there to generate hype and speculation for this garbage dying game.

  9. They've already been datamining support for /predicting that Tyrande and Ysera will use Ardenweald to regrow Teldrassil as an uncorrupted version to restore the kaldorei's eternal life/timelessness.


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