CREATING A WARDEN in World of Warcraft! | Conquest of Azeroth ALPHA | Project Ascension

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Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today we jump back on Conquest of Azeroth, Project Ascensions 21 custom class alpha, and test out the WARDEN today – a TRUE ode to the Warcraft 3 Warden hero and Maeiv herself!

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0:00-0:33 – Intro
0:34-1:48 – Creating a Starcaller
1:49-12:55 – 1-10 and talking about CoA
12:56-16:04 – Spec Splits
16:05-20:47 – Playing the Warden for the first time
20:48-40:00 – Playing a Warden in Arena, Dungeons, and Manastorms
40:01-40:45 – Final Thoughts

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26 thoughts on “CREATING A WARDEN in World of Warcraft! | Conquest of Azeroth ALPHA | Project Ascension”

  1. I think something I've learned from Seasons of Discovery is that we need bigger changes to the world and the overall experience. I believe simply changing the classes isn't enough, it's still just classic wow at the end of the day. I thought SoD would be amazing but after playing to 25 I realized the runes aren't enough. BFD and Gnomeregan isn't enough. It's still just levelling in classic wow, and we're done it before. It's no longer interesting. So I think something incredibly important to add to Conquest of Azeroth is new stuff to make it a new experience. Ascension already goes a long way towards this with arena, mythic plus, manastorms, etc… Which is awesome but I would hope to start seeing custom dungeons and quests and maybe even more and bigger things EVENTUALLY with CoA, not on release but after it having been out. Simply playing classic wow over again but with 21 classes will start to get novel VERY quickly, and then we need more content to do with these classes in this world. We're going to need more zones, dungeons, raids and new transmogs, gamemodes, stories, new reasons to play the game, it can't just be classic wow.

  2. Also to increase PvP player base they should give us single character transmogs for doing PvP and rating requirements for some. I’d say removing rating requirements for gear so everyone can grind it out and compete would also increase player base for PvP consistently.

  3. Man I missed these videos. Also would love to see more turtle content you inspired me to play the server and had a blast levelling to 60. Gilneas was genuinely epic and so well done. Loce the vids mcdoobler

  4. I definitely will try this server, coz I like the idea of many classes and specs, but I have one question. I don't wanna waste time on some of those classes like shaman/rogue/ caster style. So what class or spec is the most closest version of typical frost death knight (dual wield would be great) or maybe balance druid? (Like is starcaller close to balance druid?)

  5. Thank you for the CoA content! Do you have any plans to make sure that ascension easyness isnt fully invalidating all the time and effort you've spent on CoA? From the video it looks like you're a complete god at level 1, killing everything without any kind of struggle and while not even having any gear. In my opinion this makes it so the leveling journey is just a complete joke, ontop of getting the crazy amount of loot that is ascension is known for. Dungeons seem to be insanely easy and in the clips you showed noone was even taking damage.

    CoA classes will probably be lots of fun in ascended raids, raid trials, high manastorm levels and mythic+, but what about the journey to the endgame? Oneshotting everything until that point without any struggle is very very far away from WoW. A long time ago, in a video you were talking about things like character attachment, the journey and new player experience being very important parts of designing a game, and I feel like struggling and working on overcoming those struggles as a players are very crucial aspects of a successfull game aswell, is this something you still have on your radar?


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