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Originally located by the Lordamere Lake in the Eastern Kingdoms, the city was magically moved to Northrend by the power of its magic. They fought both against the Dragon Aspect Malygos’s crusade to eradicate the use of magic on Azeroth, and the undead forces of the Lich King. Dalaran would later be set in motion and fly high above the seas, as seen during the Purge.
Dalaran was moved to Deadwind Pass during the Burning Legion’s invasion in order to protect the Eastern Kingdoms. It then teleported to the Broken Isles where it served as the capital city for Alliance and the Horde players. During the Assault on Broken Shore, Kil’jaeden sent Legion ships to destroy the city.
The city’s layout was overhauled for Legion with notably the Underbelly being expanded and the center of the city becoming a portal hub.
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For the music titles turn on the CC (captions/subtitles) from YouTube bar.
Dalaran Jaina, Halls, Dusk and Dawn: Neal Acree and Russell Brower
Dalaran Sewers and Khadgar: Neal Acree
World of Warcraft Legion Dalaran locations on this video:
0:00:00 Intro (Azsuna)
0:00:50 Dalaran soon after the teleport in Broken Isles
0:01:45 Rhonin Statue (The Eventide)
0:03:00 Violet Citadel Square
0:03:51 Photonic Playground (Art Gallerry)
0:06:58 Bank of Dalaran Square
0:08:55 Magus Commerce Exchange
0:10:08 Simply Enchanting
0:10:53 First to Your Aid
0:11:20 Things of the Past
0:12:24 Like Clockwork
0:13:06 The Agronomical Apothecary
0:14:56 Tanks for Everything
0:15:41 Bank of Dalaran
0:17:05 The Eventide
0:18:08 Militant Mystic
0:18:57 Langrom’s Leather & Links
0:19:44 The Hunter’s Reach
0:20:23 The Violet Hold Square
0:21:18 The Violet Hold
0:24:20 The Underbelly Descent
0:25:20 Circle of Wills
0:27:13 The Underbelly
0:29:24 The Black Market
0:31:37 The Postmaster’s Office
0:33:27 The Violet Citadel
0:36:03 Chamber of the Guardian
0:37:58 Aegwynn’s Gallery
0:38:40 Dalaran by night
0:41:12 Krasus’ Landing
0:42:44 A Hero’s Welcome
0:44:36 Greyfang Enclave
0:46:26 The Legerdemain Lounge
0:49:41 Magical Menagerie
0:51:45 Margoss’s Retreat
0:52:39 Dalaran Pet Tournament
0:53:23 Antonidas Memorial
0:54:58 Windrunner’s Sanctuary
0:56:18 The Filthy Animal
0:58:04 Krasus’ Landing
As a Vanilla WoW player, I am capturing the old & new World of Warcraft atmosphere for eternity.
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World of Warcraft content and materials (images, in-game footages, in-game music, soundtracks, OST) are trademarks and copyrights of Blizzard or its licensors. All rights reserved.
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#Meisio #WorldofWarcraft #WoW
Forgive me, it took too much to get this video out. Many personal things (entire family sick / flu season, now even my cat has issues and I had to go to the vet). Also, I greatly underestimate videos with cities. There are many details, a lot of filming difficulties. Initially, I wanted to do 1/4 of the movie with RP. I stopped it because it took way too much (only the scenes from the beginning are generated by me).
Anyway, I hope you will enjoy it.
Do you like this video? Give it a like, listen to more (playlist links below), subscribe. Do you want to support my work? Details in the video description.
P.S. 1: Amazing number of details by the Blizzard team. You don't trully notice it until you start to film.
P.S. 2: YouTube, I am ready for my 5K views in a month. It took me only 2 weeks to make it.
Legion music & ambience playlist:
All World of Warcraft music & ambience playlist:
Livestream with Music & Ambience:
With love,
One of the best or the best expansion in the history of world of Warcraft
The music of Dalaran reminds me of speed running to my rogue's order hall as fast as im on Krasus' Landing. i haven't been to Dalaran since Legion save for a few rare times for Good memories sake. i miss this place
WoW is more than a game, it is a world in which you want to immerse yourself again and again.
long time since you popped up on my radar, great vid [ as always ] welcome back,
I never knew that art gallery existed. Or the menagerie either.
Thank you
Writing my final term paper, literally the perfect day for this to come out. Thank you Meisio, savior of my study days!
So nice, I had never seen this version of Dalaran I think. One of my favorite places in the entire game. For me, Dalaran was the pinnacle of the classic Wow storyline. What else can you ask of a fantasy RPG game? A freaking amazing magical city floating in the sky.
Lore: The most peaceful place on the planet
remembering, legion was the last time I played on retail. It was back in 2016 my last year at school before descending into the job life.
These days I dont have that much time anymore to really get invested into it. But I Cherish these memories playing together with my friends, walking around in new dalaran and questing together in the broken isles.
I loved the storyline and the characters it all felt very well tied till the last patch.
Today I mostly help with scripting on legion privat servers, not to steal anything but to maintain the expansion itself.
Thanks for your awesome video, you did very well with catching the atmosphere of the city.
Great job mate. I still now go to Dalaran just to chill. Lich King for me was the best expansion. Not only the expansion itself but I felt guildies, mates were closer. Things were more connected.
Thank you for uploading this, brings back great memories of Legion. I appreciate the work that you do in uploading these videos and hope that your personal things take a turn to the better!
Great work as always Meisio! Always inspires me to write, work and just relax sometimes. It's dearly appreciated and I can't wait for the next video. But always remember to take the time you need. If things are bad, they'll get better for sure – it's the cycle. Heads up and much love from Germany.
Still the best expansion. The only really bad thing were random legendaries and AP grind, everything else was perfect.
Это просто ваууу
I want to go back to then.
the more i listen to those abients, the more i understand, why i cant enjoy World of Warcraft today like back then with Wotlk.
the magic is completly gone.
This Music ist some kind of Art, you feel that the makers worked on the game with all their effort and heart.
Big love Legion!
How did I ever miss the Postmaster's Office? All the hours I've spent in Dalaran and do not remember ever seeing it. Love the music!
I've never seen such an empty city of Dalaran
I regret not playing Legion.
So who else just uses Dalaran as their main city for things instead of the other capitals? This place has always been rather peaceful despite its locations.
Это жизнь, полная покоя и наслаждения, а за стенами Даларана мы можем найти себе приключения на свою задницу, это жизнь бро.
A city so good people still use it 10+ years later
I always left my characters in Dalaran, logging in and hear Dalaran ambience was peacful, then I'll go wait for the TLPD but I never got him.
Legion was the last good expansion since WOTLK. Perfect amount of content and a great pace with tons to do on alts.
Legion 😍😍😔
Legion music was simply the best. Neil is once in a generation legend.