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I want Moonkin to have mass Moonfire talent like sunfire, tab target and dot everything makes no fun and if ur finish with that, the trash is half way down or dead. So when there is no upgrade for druids i will play unholy riders dk, because he makes 3 dots with 1 button on alle targets in a area around.
They can tune all they want. I just dont want them to nerf it into the ground. Frost is looking great and I really want some of the playstyle ideas to be viable.
I’ll rocking deathbringer frost for sure.
Sanlayn Blood is also looking spicy
Considering maning dk for ww but keeping track of everything seems too much
I only play dk if frost be better then unholy
my real question is, if i want higher dps and dont really care about mobility should i go deathbringer or rider? like wich one is best for more dps?
i fear maining frost and 2 weeks in they get nurfed and now im at the bottom of the pack in raids lol
Deathbringer is garbage since it doesn't line up. Throw it in the dumpster with the dev that designed it and light it on fire
A little heads up to any one who consider picking Unholy DK.
Unholy DK still suffer from bad passives that do not add or simply does not work with the current design for Unholy.
[Pestilence] This is a weak passive that encourage using Death and Decay/Defile on a single target.
[Ruptured Viscera] The lack of minions to attack the enemies face causes this passive to simply not work for it's intended design.
[Gargoyle] We spam far less Death Coils, the focus is more on Scourge Strike now to maximize the damage.
[Unholy Aura] 8 yard 20% minion damage is simply bad and punish us way to much in PVE/PVP.
[Decomposition] This Passive suffers the same way Improved Death Coil does on live, you get half the bonus when second talent point is spent.
[All Will Serve] Still suffers from not interacting with things like Infecting Claw and Commander of the Dead.
Now the good part about Unholy.
[Festermight] This passive is way easier to play around and far less punishing.
[Raise Abomination] The return of Abom is an absolute welcome for not only PVP but also PVE.
[Death Coil] When Sudden Doom procs it feels amazing pressing Death Coil.
[Doomed Bidding] This passive is amazing, it hammers down why pressing Sudden Doom Death Coil's are gonna be great in War Within.
[Disease Build] Better than what we have in Dragonflight but we still could use Necrotic Plague.
[Unholy Blight] baked in with Dark Transformation when talented, this is a really great quality of life improvement.
Hero Talents
[Rider of the Apocalypse] Amazing, feels great to play with, removes one of the most jarring parts about DK which is mobility.
[San'layn] Really fun to smack someone with a Disease that hits like a truck as well with all the haste this Hero talent also provides.
Overall every thing is better, but there is allot that can be improved, hopefully this will be done along the way in War Within.
unholy feels like dogshit to play, frost is fun but way too boring, ill be maining my WW 🤓
I can’t stress how much I hate defile.
There's 0 time left so we can be 100% sure at this point that whichever class you pick is going to be extremely risky
Class tuning is going to continue in full force for awhile after this goes live. So there's no way to know who to pick unless u don't care about being competitive
And me having much less time for the foreseeable future and only enough time for 1 character, that makes this choice super stressful
I'm already going to get to level 80 waaaay after everyone else. If the class I pick also ends up cheeks in pvp with no hope of leveling another, that would be a deal breaker for me
DK always wins the beta, which means they lose s1
i want to play frost DW-Obliteration with Deathbringer, and hope that it will be viable in m+, it looks that rider performance is better atm. You can drop the cd of Reapers Mark on 30sec and synch it with frostscythe. Why didn't you use dark talons for more haste and frostscythe?
If they can fix Frost then DK will be the main for sure!
For me it's easy. Rider in M+, Deathbringer in Raids. Deathbringer just screams ST dmg to me, and that extra mobility of the Rider is just sooo good for M+.
Please dk's keep winning, I wanna play a frost deathknight so badly