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Damage buffs, legendary buffs, very recent 4 SET BUFFS (doubled in effectiveness, goodness). Unholy DK will have the highest overall output of any spec in the game, now complete with finishing power and a stackable mortal strike. The customization of this spec is off the charts, allowing for so many different combinations of PVE and PVP talents. It is very hard to pin down exactly one setup, so I talk about everything (for too long, as per usual) that you could possibly be running over this long season of experimentation and excitement. There absolutely WILL be a follow up video to this one later in the season.

This guide will walk you through everything: Gearing, Stat Weights, Trinkets, Tier Sets, Legendaries, PVE talents, PVP talents, Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits for Unholy DK in 9.2 PVP. This will show you how to milk the most power out of our spec to be powerful in 2s, 3s, and RBGs. Arenas will be having a lot more DKs in them this season, and if you wanna be a part of it, here is the best information I can possibly give you.

Shadowlands has been rough, but Season 3 (9.2) should give us everything we need to succeed.

I hope you guys have a wonderful season. You deserve it.

0:00 – Introduction (long :D)
4:06 – Stats & Enchants
7:19 – Trinkets
11:07 – Tier Set! (wow!)
16:40 – Legendaries
24:20 – PVE Talents
39:51 – PVP Talents
51:03 – Covenants (lol)
51:11 – Soulbinds
53:07 – Conduits

The end.


26 thoughts on “DEFINITIVE UNHOLY DK PVP GUIDE (Shadowlands 9.2 S3)”

  1. Really appreciate the guide. Laughed at the intro text – you yelled at a ret for not using bubble and died in team fight the first time I swung by your channel, I'll give it a try again lol. Thanks for the effort you put into these, super helpful.

  2. 30:00 this is wrong! You can double Soul Reaper, unless there's some kind of pvp thing. I have 2 set right now and at least in PvE, it will double proc. Visually it gets messed up, and it appears that the Soul Reapers are getting over written, but they both still end up popping.

  3. I might try dk this patch. But I feel attached to my paladin and warrior. Could you give me 3 reasons to quit those 2 classes and become a dk ? 🔥

  4. honestly i bet we get the proc from Harvest time in pvp maybe 1/10 times that we actually apply the debuff… this sounds amazing but actually playing the game in 3s with this tier set is going to feel so underwhelming.
    Dhs get 40% dmg boost to their 2 main abilities, rets get seraphim for 3 seconds and wake of ashes reset….. we get a gimped execute that hits for like 10k if it even crits.
    Not to mention you have to proc it by pushing a minimum of 6 globals, before you can even hope to get the target below the % threshold for soulreaper to go off.
    This is a terrible tier set, trying to defend this is Stockholm syndrome.
    When Petkick and mes are both saying they might not even run the tier set (pre-buff, things could change) because the 2 set is so terrible then you know its bad.

    I love your enthusiasm and your streams and your passion for Dk, but this tier set is probably one of the worst in the game pvp wise

  5. I really like your style and enthusiasm. But saying someone can’t provide mathematics for stats seems… odd. Idk. Doesn’t sound legitimate to me. How can you prove that the math behind it is impossible to figure out or whatever it may be. Maybe recommend stats based on builds perhaps?

  6. Honestly so hyped for Unholy this season, been watching Flark's stuff now since I came back to wow in BFA s3. Did some work and found the right partners and since then I've been glad every season for the last 3. Can't wait for double legendaries and 4 pc so we can really start having some fun 😀

  7. The original spec that I actually leaned to play the game with back in Wrath T7.
    I may actually dust the DK off this season and if I do I'm coming back to my original spec. I never swapped off for anything serious and I will continue that trend if I do click login on something other than my warrs or my fuckin trashcan priest (which I'm actively avoiding XD).


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