Demonology Warlock Guide | Shadowlands | WoW

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#Warlock #Demonology #Shadowlands


10 thoughts on “Demonology Warlock Guide | Shadowlands | WoW”

  1. I'm at 159 ilvl and im doing more burst than you. (Just leveled, but I've playing demo for years) m getting my demonbolts to do 4k non-crit and 7k crits. Rotation is as follows:

    ASSUMING you start with 3 shards:
    hard cast demonbolt at beginning of fight, now have 5 shards
    -Grimoire, hand of guldan, 1 shadow bolt for 2 shards, then dreadstalkers
    -demonic tyrant, hand of guldan, shadowbolt, hand of guldan
    (Now you have 9 imps, 2 dreadstallers, and grimoire)
    -decimating bolt, then power siphon. Spam your instant demonbolts to go with x30 from power siphon, the intell buff from tyrant, the x25 from dreadstalkers before it expires, and the decimating bolt.

    Then go back into your normal huldan and dreadstalkers rotation. Huge huge huge burst

  2. Moving from prot warrior bfa to demo lock this expansion and no matter how good or bad it is i just want to main it. The army of demons fantasy just appealed to me this time around. Anyways your guide helped me a lot since im first time caster. 🤘🏼🤘🏼


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