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What will be the BIG role of Denathrius after his defeat in the Shadowlands?
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Sire Denathrius is one of the rare Shadowlands characters that was almost entirely liked by everyone and because of that Blizzard realized that the original role they planned out for him was too small and they intended to give him a lot more screen time.
Well we know he was captured and freed in 9.1 and thus far in 9.2 there are absolutely 0 details in regards to his whereabouts. So what could be happening with Sire Denathrius, are there big plans for him after this expansion and could the remnants of the Scourge be his next base of operations in the expansion after Shadowlands?
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Do you think Denathrius' main role will be after Shadowlands? Also check out SquadOV completely free to analyze and record your raids, arenas, mythic +
Yeah. I would also love it if Denathrius came back in the next expansion. His arrogance was just so much fun 🙂
I really like Denathrius. I hope we get more of him in the future.
you realize the infiltration of life you can see at howling oak where many aggent manipulating a worgen
in the Blasted Lands
Oh, hell yes. The one good thing from shadowlands… Denathrius. We killed him way too easy (I think he let us), I mean someone that created the dreadlords obviously knows how to play chess and damn he is good at it. I am sad we have seen nothing about Kil'jaeden. Did he go to The Maw or Maldraxxus? If Archimonde REALLY died in warlords, I don't think he did because he definitely should have been in Maldraxxus because he was known for his War strat even on Argus before meeting Sargeras. Archimonde must have been saved by Argus when he was still being used as a respawn machine back in warlords. What's annoying is a dev said he isn't sure on this since we killed him on mythic in the nether but he ports back before dying right? UGH.
I called this a couple months ago and reddit destroyed me for it
Look, if Denathrius is the one playing 5000 IQ interdimentional chess I'm gonna lose my shit in the best way possible, 'cause he clearly is the better villain.
I think that Denathrius is the only good thing of this mess of an expansion.
So yes, I'd like to see him as the new leader of the Scourge, or even at the command of a part of the Burning Legion: there're still tons of demons in the universe, and Denathrius is the leader of the Dreadlords (high ranking members of the now leaderless Legion).
100K subs, congrats Doron!
they just gave denathrius a quick break from basically carrying the whole Shadowlands exp. 😂
I hope they use him for future content, it’s kinda the only new character they didnt ruin (yet)
having the dreadlord be created by denathrius is probly the only "retcon" I do genuienly like
Mal'Ganis in Warcraft 3 – "I serve the Dark Lord"
"Lord of Dread" new class in the game.
I agree with whoever commented here that Denathrius should be more to a titan than a mere lich king if we are to consider his backstory, becoming leader of the scourge would be underpowering him way too much
So Zovaal is Virgin, and Denathrius is Chad.
He can fix so many things…
I actually really like Denathrius
Wasn't Denathrius ( I really liked Denathrius) Zovaal's brother?…Dear God WoW has become the General Hospital of MMORPG's sighs P.S. I'll come back if Denathrius comes back ^_^
Denathrius was the best part of shadowlands. I would have preferred he be the main villain of the expansion.
It would be a great twist if Denathrius came back and betrayed him at the end of the expansion. That would be a better device to have him weakened enough that players could defeat the jailer then shooting another beam. Denathrius gains some sort of power for his trouble (and possibly knowledge he requires) and escapes. No one knows where he went or what he's planning… and then just let it go for a while… let it simmer nice and long. Hell, you could even have him mock the jailer as he does so: "all of this time and 'torment' is the best plan you can muster? You lack vision; pity you will not be around to witness the genius of my machinations. No matter, you have served your purpose."
Denathrius should have been the big villian in this expansion from start to end, since he has something that the Jailer hasnt.. character..
Denathrius was almost just as lame as the Jailer. They should have just kept him in the fucking sword.
Making him the leader of the scourge would be lame and boring asf, yay, Arthas 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 FFS COME UP WITH NEW IDEAS BLIZZARD.
Making him suddenly be a benevolent good leader would also be the dumbest thing ever. Devs don't care about what makes sense, they're like "omg guys his voice sounds so cool bruh, lets write him in more stuff randomly!" — smh
Are denathrius and Xavius the same?
Not if it means the Scourge are enemies still. Just let me join them already.
Best villain in shadowlands!
Screw zovaal!
virgin Zovaal
brad sire Denathrius
chad Sargeras
I don't think so. Narrative is just not that good so I expect somebody like jailer or another generic npc who can be a King lich 2.0
Denatharius feels to me like that individual that whatever he does even if he does good would be to serve his purpose of gaining allies and limiting the attention directed towards him while he does what he wants.
I think Denathrius is a great character and I hate the fact that he survived one patch. I hope we see him again
Jesus christ they need to just fucking take some years off and reboot
Why do the Satyr look "exactly" like hairy Draenai?
Ah much like the pillars of creation just ripe to be stolen a week after we lock them up.
Imagine if Denathrius or his dreadlords attempted to recreate the Lich King in Revendreth's image?
Can we have a moment to talk about Lothraxion currently still being in the Vindicaar, Light's Hope Chapel or Stormwind
I'd love if there was a plot twist that Denathrius was actually using the Jailor, not vise-versa to attain more power & influence along with a 'Get out of Lightbound Jail Free-Card'. Then slowly reveal despite the Jailor's so called 'Influences' throughout WoW many simply considered 'his plans' a mutually beneficial transaction – That ultimately, the Jailor wasn't the puppeteer but in fact the puppet.
all these assumptions are too clever for blizzard
Denathrius is an ashole with more context that zoBALD The jailee he should stay