Azshara will rescue remnants of Khadgar from the Twisting Nether, Khadgar will become embodiment of the Void and helped to overthrow the Void Lords when Azeroth fall in the next expansion
In wresting when you need to show how bad your new villain is you have to puck out the hero. Not a good idea to be leader in Azeroth: Llane & Varian Wrynn, Terenas Menethil, Rhonin, Kadgar, Garrosh Hellscream etc. Die a plot point or live long enough to become a raid boss.
Oh, piss off. Atiesh got destroyed with just a bit of blue pew pew magic, when it got used by Aegwynn to defeat the Avatar of Sargeras.
Is Xal'atath just Sylvanas 2.0? Does she get empowered by the big baddie who will somehow mention that he manipulated her and even the Jailer? Will he be even balder?
I really appreciate this! My cinematic glitched out then shut down in-game today… probably due to lag caused by so many people playing on the same server/realm. The game's now running smoothly; however, obviously, I didn't get the chance to rewatch this pivotal moment in Dalaran history. My archmage was dying along with Kadgar ~ she just viewed the destruction of her second home and the death of the man that helped her become the archmage she is today. Thank the WOW Gods she can rez! :')
Funny how Blizzard turns SS Tier Heroes into wimpy jobbers everytime the plot requires it. Vol'jin, Saurfang, Bolvar, Alextrazsa and now Khadgar. Often they don't land a single hit before falling to their knees.
the fact the city is destroyed means there is no longer neutral ground and blizzard in it's infinite bullshit is going to eventually use this as an excuse to start back up the faction war
Azshara will rescue remnants of Khadgar from the Twisting Nether, Khadgar will become embodiment of the Void and helped to overthrow the Void Lords when Azeroth fall in the next expansion
There better be a New Dalaran in the future
Sadly, They've made it in game engine, which impact how epic it could be :(, but well good cinematic after all.
Not the staff !!!!
Isnt this like the third time dalaran has exploded? Itll be back
Sylvanas 2.0?
Why do they gotta go and make the big baddie such a baddie?
Khadgar lost because he didn't have enough wyrm crests to upgrade atiesh.
So they decided to waste Khadgar over a two velf b.tch fight ? Meh.
was destroyed, for.. Third time?
Khadgar deserved better
So, Khadgar is gone?
more like abduction of
In wresting when you need to show how bad your new villain is you have to puck out the hero. Not a good idea to be leader in Azeroth: Llane & Varian Wrynn, Terenas Menethil, Rhonin, Kadgar, Garrosh Hellscream etc. Die a plot point or live long enough to become a raid boss.
Did I miss when Khadgar became the guardian?
Azeroth without Varian, Tirion, Khadgar, Saurfang, Sylvanas, Voljin, this isn’t WoW anymore, Unsubbed.
my friend thinks khagdar is still alive
2:11 They’ve been watching too much DB Super because Khadgar got full on Hakai’d there
Qu est ce que c'est bidon. Garbage game
Yeah Khadgar is definitely in a pocket realm. He’s gonna be #damaged just like Anduin after this
They tried to off my uncle but he is too cool to die.
Well N'zoth was right. Only he could save our world.
Oh, piss off. Atiesh got destroyed with just a bit of blue pew pew magic, when it got used by Aegwynn to defeat the Avatar of Sargeras.
Is Xal'atath just Sylvanas 2.0? Does she get empowered by the big baddie who will somehow mention that he manipulated her and even the Jailer? Will he be even balder?
I didnt know khadgar was crosseyed
I really appreciate this! My cinematic glitched out then shut down in-game today… probably due to lag caused by so many people playing on the same server/realm. The game's now running smoothly; however, obviously, I didn't get the chance to rewatch this pivotal moment in Dalaran history. My archmage was dying along with Kadgar ~ she just viewed the destruction of her second home and the death of the man that helped her become the archmage she is today. Thank the WOW Gods she can rez! :')
I’m deeply sorry but after that she needs to go.
Waiting for Medivh to come in from deep space to one tap Xal'atath for hurting Khadgar and breaking Atiesh
0:46 Khadgarhamehaaaaaa~!
Rip Dollaran, we hardly knew ye
oh man, i liked dalaran, why couldnt she blow up stormwind instead?
Funny how Blizzard turns SS Tier Heroes into wimpy jobbers everytime the plot requires it. Vol'jin, Saurfang, Bolvar, Alextrazsa and now Khadgar. Often they don't land a single hit before falling to their knees.
You no take Khadgar
Who is the lady with the bow, seems really powerful lol
Wasn't khadgar supposed to be one the strongest mage??? Thrall vs Garrosh in Draenor was a better fight imo
the fact the city is destroyed means there is no longer neutral ground and blizzard in it's infinite bullshit is going to eventually use this as an excuse to start back up the faction war
Time to rebuild Dalaran again…