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#Shadowlands #Ret #Paladin has the biggest burst on the block! This guide shows talents, rotation and examples of how to destroy your opponents in arena. This is ~215 ilevel with 220 weapon, prot legendary.
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Get your hammers out!
Dude can u share the wings macro plz
I tested 2 macros 4 times each. Avenging Wrath, Divine Toll and Trinket. Macro 2 was was Avenging Wrath, Seraphim and trinket. Both were after Judgement Blade Wrath openers. macro one averaged 20% more damage than macro 2
Hi from Colombia.
Can you share me the macro for Wings + Trinket + Seraphin, pls
Ty for all videos.
Hi!!, wahts the weak aura you use???
Which lego do you use?
why divine toll not after final reckoning for more holy dmg ?
Been hard stuck between 1350-1390 for weeks. Using LFG and just not having a fun time. I'm either running into people being carried for mythic players in this cr. It's a nightmare. My damage is there but it's just rough. Any tips for the discouraged?
Hey Var, I'm curious if you've experimented with Necrolords and Vanquisher's Hammer at all. I've seen another couple ret players say that the small changes to the covenant ability has improved its use, and it seems like it could possibly replace DT in a slightly more consistent burst, as it isn't RNG.
I can get 30K Templars Crit with Item level 206
I'm gonna subscribe just cuz he said HOJ that like button !
immoral video
Divine Troll
boring gameplay
In first tier talent you have to take executing, it gives you +20% and 10k after 8 seconds kappa
Can some explain what moves to put in order I need help first time playing ret I'm prot more
why not final reckoning first then divine toll?
Ret paladin the best of best in wow. Buff ret
Thank you very much for the video, it helped me a lot
Cast judgement in between Wake of Ashes and Templars Verdict to apply the debuff to increase your Templar Verdict Damage by 20%.
Seraphim – HoJ – Wings – Divine Toll – Final Reckoning – TV – Wake – Judgement – TV (wake and judgement being interchangeable)
This is min maxed version as you will have all your abilities buffed by mastery and both of your TVs will be hitting their hardest
OMG. just did a 27.5k templer crit. how is this possible lol. thx for that burst :)) tbh ill do divine toll bevore for mastery, trinket seraph and Wings.
this is some broken ass shit