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An in depth look at how Destruction Warlock is looking in SL. Overviewing its strengths and weaknesses, if any improved from BFA to SL, the variety of options in its Talent Tree, the choices in the Legendary arsenal, the strengths of each Covenant, and more.
Destruction Warlock Macros:
Warlock Weakaura:
Afenar Collection:
anyone else love how he says havoc
Arms warrior alreadyyyyyy. Do it for the boomers !
Great work! Unholy DK please!
Fury warrior- the most smooth rotation
Survival hunter pls ahah 0:)
HAHA Survival and feral dosent count xD
Afflock is much more fun now imho
Frost DK and 1H vs 2H !!!!
Maybe do affliction next? I would love to see an in depth video from you, since i want to level up one for shadowlands
Went searching for this new intro music. Think I stumbled across an incorrect take. Thanks you Izen- would’ve never found this hilarious gem.
Great vid man thank you again!
seconding arms next, especially if you're planning on doing a melee spec
107 likes 0 dislikes! Perfectly balanced as all things should be!
You went from saying it's not about chaos bolt anymore in SL, then immediately went towards "it hasn't changed much."
Is the addition of the Corruption spell in the toolkit just a throw-away? Idk whether to include it in rotation or not.
dude your flute skills have improved
i need the cringe back
That frost mage is PUMPING !
Shadow after melee dps specc?
Is elemental easier or harder than destro?
Good, concise video
I need those portals from legion back 🙁
"Warlock is very smooth to play"
*says him doing the worse dps
Do the 2-H Frost DK! 😉
Choas bolt is too weak