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Pls, prot pally BG!
Holy crap dude that hammer was crazy. That gameplay looked fun.
I knew necrolord was gonna be good with hammer, I've been seeing that lawbreakers with kyrian divine toll and soulbind is the way to go but I hope necrolord stay viable especially cause you give up mobility from the night fae
How/where do u get this Hammer with the huge dps?
Is this a new templars verdict animation? It looks sick
i was also planning on going necrolords and i was surprised in yesterdays build they buffed Vanquishers hammer even more. Their armor looks amazing too.
How's alliance doing in bgs nowadays?
How did you get all the conduits ?
Ret is looking fun again. Tbh it’s so boring and useless in bfa I just played hpal but really considering going ret if it’s still just as fun after tuning when it’s dmg and healing gets nerfed. You should try night fae ret, it’s really fun
Definitely showing that the rotation looks good. What are the stats you running
Definitely ret looks awesome but I noticed that the animation of " Templar Verdict " has changed right ?
here is the recipe for perfect ret for Bliz: nerf the damage, bring back Long Arm of the Law, make Divine Steed ability immune to root and slow effects.
Remember "Confirmdmain" whispering you? 😀 good content bro 🙂
Ret or arms so far?
Awesome work. I’m just worried ret will get nerfed horribly. Also, do you have a hunter? Wouldn’t mind seeing BM now since that guy was pumping out damage.
The hammer is too powerful to go live. Good video!
How does Ret do vs hunters in duels?
You should get the Argent Charger mount with that tmog, it would be perfect
Just curiosity, how much time in terms of reagents takes to get final veredict legendary?
Hey man! Can I know your PC/Laptop specs? Thanks! 🙂
It's a huge relief to not have to play nightfae…
Do some arms warrior bgs!
Your state mastery or versatility pls answer
Can ret spam blessing of freedom atm 😛 ?
necrolord suck ??
This looks super fun but I'm still optimistic that arms warriors are gonna be king again
How can u survive in tht crowd, i go in and get oneshot hahaha
Stop doing these videos ! They ll nerf us into the ground again as they did in the last 3 exp.