Did Warcraft FAIL at using older Zones?

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Did Warcraft FAIL at using older Zones? #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #thewarwithin #mmorpg #mmo #gamer #gaming #twitchclips


35 thoughts on “Did Warcraft FAIL at using older Zones?”

  1. Not slowdown leveling per se. The problem is that everything that happened before doesn't matter. All the gear is irrelevant, and all the artifacts and all the items and all the enchants. Eso did this correctly. Wow is a better game, but eso scaling is correct, making all zones viable.

  2. What a compleetnonsense. WQ would be a solution, or a decent questline that takes you through the old parts of "Vanilla". But slowing down leveling is absolute nonsense and useless, because it has no effect on the higher lvls.
    your idea of ​​a classquest-line is a great option, but then again it would be temporary.
    WQ, would be a longer solution,
    or a new storyline (expansion) where the old content stands central, that is in my opinion, the only real solution.

  3. But who cares about the old zones? We've already played them when they were fresh. If a new player wants to enjoy them as well, they should sign up for classic. What they need to focus on is making the current expansion more enjoyable for both the nerds that play 10 hours a daily and the casual players getting on for maybe 2 hours a day. I'm already finished. I have lost any interest in the game at the moment because of the toxic player base and the unbalanced classes/specializations. There is no reason every spect shouldn't have equal output/dps/heals/aggro/survivability with just different playstyles. You can spend a hundred hours on a character gearing it just to not be chosen for mythics/pvp or raids because of your class even though you're hella geared. Peace out for now.

  4. These comments help me see why wow is bad, y’all have no clue how a mmo should run, leveling should take time with class quest along the way. They have literally took away any challenge in the game and y’all say it’s a bad idea to make the game slower. Y’all want to just spawn in and not move and get every item, The wow community is complete garbage and that’s why the game is the way it is

  5. Idk about slowing down the leveling. The game now is all about alts and catching up. The older zones unfortunately just arent current anymore. There really isn't any way to make them empty. Its a good thought on what they can do to recycle the old zones.

  6. I just started playing WoW about 3 weeks ago and all I thought was how did I make it to max level in like 15 hrs not trying. I have had less fun at max as well because all this crap became available with no context. I can't even play the story any further because I don't know what order to play the quest in because all the content became available at once. WTF

  7. No change quest rewards and scale old content up instead of down. leveling has nothing to with questing. All of us had to finish the 80 campaign. That didn’t stop anyone just because they’re max level, I’ve done over 6000 quests. I don’t wanna have to spend 2 weeks to get a character to max level when I already understand the game have done the same quest 2000 times.

  8. Gw2 doesn't have this problem. Everywhere you go, including 12 year old starter maps has people. If the particular map instance you're on only has a few people left, you get a little pop up asking if you want to travel to a different instance of the same map where it's more populated.

    So very rarely does the game feel lonely.
    Vertical progression kills older maps. Also, gw2 integrates map currencies and resources from mobs etc from EVERY map for crafting and getting achievements and gear etc so all of that combined makes for all maps being necessary in some fashion. Gw2 just feels so alive everywhere you go.

  9. when you have more zones than levels there is really no way to improve, that wouldn't ruin the game, they just made leveling even faster after hitting 80 incentivizing people to play end game content, the option to go level through the zone is enough as they give you the quest to start any zone on the bulletin board in the main city.

  10. I have been going back to old zones a lot since TWW release for one reason only and I am not alone. Mounts, skins, transmogs, and pet taming. Unfortunately, Blizzard has the casino mentality of drops that puts you down. I think the best way to revitalize old zones is to put popular drops in short quest series.

  11. Nah, realistically they should rework each area and redesign the questing experiences those areas offer. If they've streamlined the leveling process they should be shrinking the amount of quests in each old zone to accommodate a shorter and more enjoyable story that will take them from 1-70.

  12. If they slow down lvling they'll lose half the player base 😂😂😂 most of the players just wanna get to endgame and like me just pvp 😂 or do mythics and so on 😂 I don't care about the zones. I just dung queued to 80 😂 and do pvp now 😂

  13. Only way is to have content on old xpac that would scale to your level. Not a popular option to scale level tho. I, for one, would love to see every content scale to my level. And have followers help complete dungeons. Have all raids turned into 5 man dungeons

  14. Doesn't that contradict your other video about the average player. You slow down leveling the majority of people won't play because we don't have time to speed hrs each day lvling up one character. But I did see another comment about having an actual storyline in each zone that could work.

  15. I leveled my main and haven't managed to level any other character without help since. Ever. I tried quite a few times but most of my characters are boosted and the rest (years old characters) I finally got to 70 at the end of the last expansion when they sped up leveling insanely. I still have most of them at lvl 20-30 sitting there, waiting. I don't have the patience to lvl anything anymore.

  16. you get people to go places in the game by putting new content in those places. the thing that draws people the most I think is new content – something new to do – something that is different from what they have already done. I can assure you, if you don't add new content people will leave the game. but if you add new content you will attract players.

  17. Revamp the leveling. It's been 12+ years since cata and those zones are still stuck in time. You don't think those zones have recovered? Or new threats and mysteries are in those zones? Old world needs a fresh look.

  18. Give first Time players the option to do a scenic route leveling and get more toys and loot and be able to even earn a token to get another character to max level once they reach it using that system. This would encourage players who have never seen the zones to go take a look at them while also providing a good reason to do so

  19. I think you’re in the minority of wanting to do the story and level slowly. There are other games that are about story progression and exploration if that’s what you are looking for. The majority of wow players want power creep and fresh end game content focused on ranking and skill progression.

  20. I find it amazing that they put so much work into every expansion and every new zone and then it's all left behind. Good raids or dungeons all left behind. If we could reuse all of wow's old content I think the game would be big enough so no new expansions would be needed.


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