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What up stu
Get 50% OFF on the 0g – 10,000,000g Guide using code ' shadowlands ' here :
Thanks to everyone picking up a copy! much appreciated!
Nice mount studen
Cant make 1mil on single char im playing since TBC… Good job
Hello studen !, i bought your book today, hope it helps me start farming , thanks alot !
As a Spriest main they are actually not bad for mass pulling/skinning outside the low mobility, instant dots and lots of self healing through damage to keep yourself up.
Just bought the 0 – 10,000,000 guide! Super excited to get into it after this video! Thanks so much!
Where did you do the shadowlands skinning (solo or group hyperspawn?) I got like a total of 15 heavy callous (after turning green callous into heavy) in about 1hour. Feels so nerfed or im doing something very wrong.
Soooo, these "class to 1 mil guides" are basically: pick up skinning and spend two days farming skins? Or am I missing something?
Got the guide a little more than a week ago, have been farming up my slow selling items just like Studen recommends in the guide. I see it starting to add up! The last couple days I have been logging on to an average of 15k gold! Can't wait to start farming the quick selling items, I do try and get atleast one hour of farming of each mat I see is selling well. I have been using Auctionator to create a shopping list of all potential farms, this makes it so easy to see what is worth farming first to start making some gold quick! I definitely recommend the guide, it does take some grinding but if you're a mad lad and don't mind the farming you'll start making some gold!
Thank you Studen! On my route to 1 million gold!
Nice mount studen
Yo Stu do you turn all your ore into bars before AH? Thanks for the video man!
Macro Angelic feather to cast on your feet instead of running the shield boost, should give you more movement speed.
#showtooltip Angelic Feather
/cast [@player, nomod] Angelic Feather;
While I appreciate that you are doing gold farming on non traditional classes, you are doing the same farms over and over. It would be more interesting if you did different farms on the toons and do farms that suit the classes better.
rumor has it that guide has never been full price
Hope you are having fun 😀
So apparently whenever someone makes a new character or has a character he should do skinning, because it's most profitable? Guess it's blizzards fault but doing skinning and starting always the same does seem boring.. What is with enchanting, herbalism, blacksmithing…
Thats some lazy content my guy