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In a surprising turn of events, an Xbox newsletter recently featured ‘World of Warcraft’ with a console icon, hinting at a possible console release.
Was this a genuine leak or just a mistake? Join us as we delve into the details of this incident, explore community reactions, and discuss the feasibility and implications of bringing WoW to consoles.
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You know what would be diabolical? Add it to game pass for console
Release it on PlayStation, and have the PlayStation version of the WoW subscription count as a gamepass subscription so the PlayStation players gets access to cloud streaming and stuff like that on other devices.
Sony would NEVER let gamepass on their console, but this would be a sneaky way to give their players access to it.
Now if tay bring Starcraft brood war and starcraft 2 compatible on the series X I would love this house since starcraft brood wars originally also put on the N64 so many years ago I don't see it being hard at least bringing the original starcraft brood war update that they had recently to console😮
Pls let it be true!
Can curseforge even work on a console because if they don't have add-on support they're not going to be able to get into the raid would console players be able to write macros for PVP
Fuck Activision. They want people like me dead. 47!
thou i hate subscriptions but if it comes will you get to play it through without paying to keep your characters even thou you paid for psplus etc or game pass etc
Xbox, Send It
I approve this message…WOW on console is what i want.
That would be devastating
Don't care How! Just put it on Xbox Allready! Been Waiting a Long time for this One!
i mean, we can hook up a keyboard and mouse to the xbox and we good to go lmao
I have been requesting World Of Warcraft on consoles since 2010, whether at the time on Xbox or PlayStation! I'm just absolutely surprised that Blizzard never apparently wanted to have WOW on the consoles before Microsoft bought them out?! I played WOW from 2007 until 2014 on my PC, but in 2014 my PC died on me and I have not bought a PC since because obviously I'm playing games on my Xbox, I would rather play games on my Television 60 inches instead of a computer screen of 25 inches!!!! Size matters for screen size!!! I would play WOW with Blizzard subscription instead of being on GamePass!!!
Blizcon not too far away
i need it on nintendo switch 2
if it means paying an extra 6bucks a month to play warcraft many and i mean many pc players will never play again thats a massive price jump in sub price
The Only reason World of Warcraft isnt on Gamepass yet is probably because of the Subcriton model that WOW have
They would probably add another tier of gamepass, Gamepass Wow or something 👍🏻
I've been healing for more than a decade. Can't imagine doing it on a controller. Impossible
I recently quit. it's 10 years too late. This is a desperate grab. Blizzard is 1 really good mmo away from being a dead franchise. They are gonna panic once they realized overwatch 2 is dead and they can't really do a diablo 5 at this point. activision bought a bunch of dead games a decade too late. Especially with the amount of drastic disasters in each game.
ESO a top 3 mmo…? According to what source..? WoW , Runescape, FF14, black desert, GW2 and SWTOR are all AT LEAST doubling activity
This is going to be huge. Finally, console gets a proper MMO that holds up.
I don't think Microsoft is smart enough to do that. It should have been done a long time ago.
People simply plug in a keyboard and mouse to the console, and there you go.
The whole idea of the controller being an issue is stupid.
Just plug in a Keybaord and mouse.
way too late lmao this game came out when I was 13 why now
Haven’t seen a comment about this yet, but I haven’t really looked that hard 😂. But what I think will be a huge factor in this, is console only servers without addons. That to me alone could bring back wow to its prime, and I didn’t even play in its prime, I just know from the vets I played with mention that wow without addons was on a different level.
If consoles have to pay wow subscription ill fail terribly calling it now.
Why spread fake news? You are like CNN.
Wow is so simplified now so it’ll work on Xbox
They won't add it for console, however it only makes sense to add it on PC gamepass. Logically, if you are buying gamepass subscription that should also count for wow subscription.
I think World of Warcraft will come to game pass ultimate for a couple of reasons. I’m putting in the game pass ultimate some people have the Lord tears will upgrade just to be able to play World of Warcraft without a subscription every month to World of Warcraft. I have no doubt that quit a few PC players of World of Warcraft Would subscribe to Xbox ultimate so that they don’t have to pay for the World of Warcraft monthly fee and also have access to a whole regime of games to play for free with the Xbox ultimate pass
Also Consol players who Who have campus ultimate and play World of Warcraft if it comes for free many of those would more than likely here in there by some of the cosmetic skins or other things you can buy
If WoW releases on console anytime soon it’ll require a keyboard and mouse. As a longtime player and one who uses a controller 90% of the time with the help of a bundle of addons, that last 10% is going to take years to figure out and redevelop. I think it’ll happen, but probably not until after the World Soul Saga in 2028+. The game is built on two decades of design, systems, gameplay expectations (especially healers and tanks), and dozens of detail packed page based UI panels entirely built around M&K. These are non-trivial problems to solve, not to mention the challenges of assigning 36+ abilities/spells to a controller. It needs to be new player friendly, so it can’t be as geeky as it currently is. The game will have to significantly change or be an entirely different version rebuilt in parallel with a simpler design. Don’t hold your breath, folks.