Disc and Shadow PVP | Level 20 Twinking Shadowlands

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Disc & Shadow gameplay

———————-Info Links———————–
Armory Thread https://xpoff.com/threads/f2p-vet-armory-list.266/
TwinkDB https://twinkdb.github.io/20/home.html
XPOff https://discord.gg/bwhuK2eNnS
WoW20s https://discord.gg/BqdQV7D8Uu
20s Wargame Discord https://discord.gg/WshJ8uXnUW
Twitter https://twitter.com/itCigNus

#Level20 #Shadowlands #Twinking


1 thought on “Disc and Shadow PVP | Level 20 Twinking Shadowlands”

  1. PVP, specially in arena is crazy fast, if you hesitate, or not first, you loose and you have to CC before you try to heal, or get away, so you can heal, healing while getting blasted, is a no no, unless you have a Defense up that mitigates that damage.
    Unless you are a healer, healing while taking damage is useless.
    Study what that other Spriest did in the arena. Sometimes it is as simple as using one ability before another, that gives you the advantage.


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