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In today’s video I give you guys some insight on how to heal mythic plus dungeons as a discipline priest in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands!
0:00 Intro
3:00 Healing breakdown
6:00 Damage breakdown (atonement healing)
8:50 Talent builds
12:58 Understanding your direct healing (non-atonement)
15:54 Healing priorities in dungeons
24:00 Prideful tips
26:38 Walkthrough of example fights
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Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS: ✅ ANDROID: ✅ PC: Start with 💰50K silver and get a Free Epic Champion 💥 on day 7 of “New Player Rewards” program
Watching all 5 mins of the sponsor commercial because I want Nubkeks to get that youtube bread.
I’m loving fist weaving. It’s got high skill cap to do high damage and top heals
Your character is so pretty. I've played with the idea of trying Disc but I'm still a massive noob in general and it intimidates me mightily.
I’ll give this another try, played Resto Druid since vanilla and wanted to try disc and man I suck. Feels like I’m playing catch up the entire time. Disc priest is lvl 45. Been playing Resto Shaman and I really enjoy it ,I just wanted to give that Disc a try.
I feel like you are significantly underrating Kyrian, which makes sense because you are not one. But I love it personally. I think the dungeon bonuses that it gives you are the strongest. Being able to cleanse any non-magic effect via the 3 min pot is good (and for magic just dispel yourself obviously). The Kyrian 3 min CD is also quite, quite powerful. For Prideful, it will last you a good portion of the time that it is alive.
Masochism is also really good for Tyrannical. Dominant Mind can be used on the shades from Spiteful as well as the Inspiring mob. There's also a case to be said for using pure-dps setups like using aggressive conduits and Twins of the Sun Priestess legendary.
My own tips for people struggling are to not undervalue defensive use of penance (using it on an ally) since it's been buffed. Also to not be afraid to lean on shadow mend. I feel like Shadow Mend was also buffed, that's how it feels to me (can't confirm, but it feels like it heals more, costs less, or both compared to prior expansions).
A lot of Disc's weaknesses were shored up with shadowlands. Bursting and Grievous were made easier to deal with, which were notoriously hard for the spec. Priest also has so much utility for these dungeons it feels, it's insane.
Outstanding video though, I got something from it too. Another perspective is always nice. I've been a healer for over 12 years and disc has always been my favorite spec by design. I'm learning it as well and am slowly getting more comfortable with it. First time in over 10 years that I'm deep diving into the spec. Also worth noting that disc suffers the most from recovery. The better your group is, the better time you will have.
Would love to discuss it over with you if you would like, nub. We can learn much together.
Thank for the video. I decided to heal with priest this expansion, but ended up dropping the class once I realized that past m10 you end up spamming shadow mend nonstop. Atonement is only a viable healing tool at low m+, and to cheese mechanics with spirit shell on raids. Switched to shaman and I have been having a blast.
Some other youtubers were bringing up how spirit shell creates issues in raids when it comes to the healing of other healers and that it was an issue in MOP too. What specifically is the issue?
Incredible guide, recently I've been wanting to pull my hair out for not knowing how to play disc in a raid environment. I think it's not worth the research that needs to be put in considering that you can spam Heal with Flash Concentration if you're playing holy and top the meters (NOT WITH A RESO IN THE GROUP) Hopefully I can use this in a m+ environment
venthyr is good for all content
dont know if its mentioned but macro angelic feather to instantly cast at youre feet, ive jsut done that its a game changer