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Welcome back to MarcelianOnline! Today, we’re talking War within and specifically why the dk hero talents are one of the (if not the) best they ever designed! Rider of the apocalypse, which is basically the unholy hero talents and frost combined, got us giga excited for multiple reasons!
We’ll delve into the nodes that make the war within dk hero talents so great and see how this could potentially lead up to a much needed rework for the specs!
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you guys are the best
10.2.5 Ret Paladin IS THE CHOICE!👀
Fury vs Arms: 10.2.5 DPS Comparison👀
first comming back when expension come
I miss the fast paced playstyle of Frost DK from Cata/Mop. I have played nearly every spec in the game and that was my all time favorite. I was so unhappy when they turned Frost into a turtle that spits ice
You forgot about that item that spawns in dk class hall in legion which allowed to combat mount for an hour and spawned every 24 hours i think. Im at work so cant find the name of it but it spawns on a pole near flight path npc in dk class hall.
fingers crossed, DK has been feeling VERY boring to play these last few expansions
I hope these talents will make dk feel smooth the only reason I'm not playing dk is that it feels too clunky and jammed up compared to other plates like fury or ret
Cant get over the missed Chance to introduce tinkers to hunters. They double down of the 'hunter' Fantasy which means Tinker class in coming
DKs needed the mobility desperately in the game. With as mobile as some classes are, I don't think this will make DKs OP since I'm sure Blizz will nerf them in some area for balance.
This is going to make dks popularity sky rocket, which means when dks because the most played class they are going to have to make them meta or people are going to be pissed not being able to play the class that is the most fun when they can't push keys
Finaly my main class is back <3
I dont think hero talents are proper rework which dk deserves.
I don't know if any of it matters anymore.. in PVP Demon Hunters have remained top tier for 4 seasons, same for M+, every other class requires skills that are only evident in top tier players… I've paid attention to all the hype and drama about every class except there are no hype videos for Demon Hunters… apparently its what the devs have been playing.
considering outdoors only, I dont think this will be as good as you are hoping. I hope I am in fact wrong though
Wish wr could get mounted combat as blood 🙁
Pretty sure they will nerf after release… Better rework DK…
Blizz are still stubborn when it comes to hunters. So while things look good for maybe DKs. They still have a lot of work to do as devs for other classes.
It'll be nerfed week one like normal. Happens every alpha/beta cycle.
if you were not maining dk when it was trash, you dont deserve it to play when its op
Now we just need to cut down unholy's 9 cooldowns and make frost more exciting than a stationary fury warrior and this will be the best class in the game
ok, now we just need a complete rework for frost and some love for unholy
The fact that we still haven't gotten red and green glowing eye options for unholy and blood spec aesthetics drives me insane
as a DK main, I was really excited to click on this video….was sorely disappointed….
Amazing indeed. 🙂
Deathbringer and its not unholy…. the master of death, bringer of undeads. WTF BLIZZARD
Is blood fun to play? I have a low level one just can’t decide if I want to put in the time for DK. Just been trying to tank dungeons
Give dk a rework like paly or rog und this is going to be really fun
I think they did really well with the DK hero talents.
Or it just means you can mount in combat to get away and nothing at all to do with mounted combat
Im so excited, and i Just cant hide it. I dont want to loose runicpower but i think i Like it
I am so looking forward to revert to my original main toon ❤
I think if there going to do a rework they should do it for all 3 specs of DK why do it for just frost and then a little love for unholy like he said in this video it’s been over 3-4 expansions with the same talents and all I hope they do do one because we’ve been in need of it for a while now. And the whole mount combat will be nice seeings how we are the slowest class of the game. 🎉❤😅 let’s go blizz show the DK some respect and turn it up a notch or two 😁.
And PS I’ve been a dk main since WOTLK so yes I’m an original so please no hate. Happy vibes only here
Isn't this just saying you will be able to mount while in combat… more like an escape.. it doesn't say anything about being able to use abilities while mounted…
and than the nerf are comming and we are poop again !
On a Pale Horse is going to be a NIGHTMARE in all PvP if it stays as it is.
literally rework DK
Idk man i dont think death knights are back especially frost, frost play style is still the same it has been since legion expansion hasnt changed at all and if it stays the same as it is coming to war within then the hero talents dont make frost any different
I really hate dks have to summon their ugly side kick ghoul all the time
Who even plays Dk lol ? Blood dk is way to op, not even fun anymore. And frost and unholy are most boring class to play, so slow and dumb
FINALLY. Some good news.