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Even if it was 10% it would be too much
lol bro 25% and got smoked in 4 hits maybe cant even talk about "overpowered"
Just give me a second! 💪🐦🔥
Fuck orcs
A war that not disarm a ret pal deserves to be reckt !
How come rogues never use vanish blind gauge or anything to reset combat? These guys suck
imagine be a pal imagine having a buble that gives you imune imagine that!!!
He complaining about the resist chance while making that war going from 41 to 0 instantly XD
Pshero deleted you😂 bro
Pal is for mongol😂 wow is inclusiv
Esos pica los agarra como que fueran de papel eres todo un peleador nato😂
Hahahaha i love your videos, spittin facts while slaying lol
Why does your menu always pop up?
People complaining about the damage you did to the warrior. Not realizing he had death wish and recklessness up which increases damage taken heavily. He probably had 40% extra damage taken so he got Molly wopped 😂
The warr was pretending to be afk and charges in when rogue opens lmaoo what a noob
you play paladin, duuuuuuude! just stop complaining about orc racials xD… Just kidding, good job!
I love that paladin <3
Pvp in classic 😂
25% to resist and it resists 99,99% of the time 🤣