9.2 Shadowlands Destruction Warlock Halls of Atonement +27 Tyrannical

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg

A smooth run where I hug my favorite streamer. Hope you enjoy. — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/qxass


6 thoughts on “9.2 Shadowlands Destruction Warlock Halls of Atonement +27 Tyrannical”

  1. Very cool to watch. I noticed a few times you were still spreading immolate at max soul shards. Is there a specific number of mobs you look to immolate before you start weaving in RoF spam? Also, I saw you were using havoc but it was hard to tell what for. Do you use it to spread an immolate or solely for extra shards from conflagrate?


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