Read more about Shadowlands ➜
A smooth run where I hug my favorite streamer. Hope you enjoy. — Watch live at
Read more about Shadowlands ➜
A smooth run where I hug my favorite streamer. Hope you enjoy. — Watch live at
Very cool to watch. I noticed a few times you were still spreading immolate at max soul shards. Is there a specific number of mobs you look to immolate before you start weaving in RoF spam? Also, I saw you were using havoc but it was hard to tell what for. Do you use it to spread an immolate or solely for extra shards from conflagrate?
What is the addon in the bottom right corner that is going through the rotation
Very clean, until the last boss 😉 but really good job. Sounds like you guys have a lot of fun with these high keys.
Oh you guys are French ? Your accent I was like, sound like me when I talk English lol, with the extra kick of accent of French 🤣🇨🇦
What’s the add on name of that ready check buff checker??
Man I LOVE your UI!!! I WANT IT