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Khadgar has been skulking about WoW Shadowlands almost from the start, what was he looking for? Are we about to find something even more dangerous in World of Warcraft Dragonflight? The Warcraft Universe will change forever.
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I thought the same thing the moment I saw him in Oribos. Khadgar even sounded weird. Like his speech was not his. From what I've seen in Dragonflight, his manner of speech has changed even more.
Almost like Denathrius in disguise, not so much trying to keep the vocal charade up after all those years.
Like we have a choice….
I think he is preparing for his end. I don’t think he has much longer in his life force.
Theory: Khadgar is communing with Dreadlords and working with Sire Danathrius
Ever stop and wonder if the old gods have turned Azeroth into a Titan of Flesh and blood? An actual living titan
Oh shit…he also peered in to the void and what he saw…shocked him to the core! and started gathering a force to conquer worlds and destroy everything!
The Lord of Ravens Will Turn the Key
In karazhan there could be an entrance for Ny’alotha
Unpopular opinion: I’ve never trusted Dadgar.
KHADGAR saw my big fat juicer! C:
I always come back to the old gods and their keepers being agents of chaos. There is nothing more chaotic than free will. A lot of the buildup to Dragonflight talks about choices being made. One of the key characters Nozdormu has basically been told that regardless of his free will, he will ultimately turn to Murazond.
This expansion is going to do some crazy things for the lore, and I’m here for it.
Every time I see Kadgar I remember WOD cannon and cringe.
Maybe… maybe a fragment of Medivh remains in Khadgar’s staff or… maybe that’s a fragment of Sargeras?
Perhaps Khadgar is being manipulated.
EDIT: chaos/void creates life and free will, but law/light creates death and control. Read your Moorcock!
We know there are tons of other planets that have sentient life besides Azeroth, there's Draenor, there's Argus, there's the planet of the two souls in Ardenweald that we met one of whom was a Night Warrior and were a big part of the Night Fae Storyline >.> there was the planet of the Mo'arg/Gan'arg, there's the planet that the Nathrezim sowed discord on and turned it against itself, there's so many that Sargeras destroyed… like yeah, Azeroth isn't the only one planet with sentient life…
I don’t know if you’ll see this, but i’m curious about how life blossomed on Draenor. I mean if mortals kinda sprout from Old Gods, how did the orcs come to be? Or any life for that matter. And on top of the you have the life growth that got out of control, maybe a failed experiment from the life cosmological force?
I'm sure Danuser just want to watch Karazhan burn, so he can rebuild it himself with retcon
do you think Khadgar found out what Zovaal was afraid of ?
Stupid question: did we have a soul before the curse of flesh or after? All this “construct neeeding soul” is the same as the Pantheon of death within zereth mortis. Could it be that the “curse of flesh” is just them giving us our souls?
Wrathion was at Karazhan, serching for a cure for the corruption of the black dragonflight. He wrote in a letter that he talked with the immage of Medivh about beeing corrupted. Its in the questline where we have to search for Wrathion to save Ebenhorn before 8.3 launched. So that means Karazhan is not that closed up to the public isnt it? No mention of Khadgar beeing there.
I feel like world souls are not inherently titans. But actually stolen souls placed into constructs as with everything else in the realm of order. And they’re after Azeroth world soul to order the entirety of reality as created by her.