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Why did you give her a beard
Video randomly popped up on my feed, very nice and concise with the info, straight to the point. Hope to see this channel grow 🙂
What level do delves go to this week?
MYTHIC 0 is lower gear delves are bigger gear
Can you do LFR wing 1 and still do the raid with a group on normal?
1600 PvP is obnoxiously easy to get first week for the free tier
you're literally looking at m+ while you talk about m0..
M0 drops veteran 4/8 gear not champ 1/8
Tip: 1600 rating in battleground blitz will also reward you with a token. This can definitly be achieved within the first week!
No no no, the only way to gear up properly is to slay alliance in battlegrounds! \..//,,
do this OK or that OK do a delve OK try this OK coffer key OK mythic 0 OK weps OK trinkets OK
The "hold onto your coffer keys until tier 8" mantra that everyone's chanting doesn't make much sense to me. You'll get to clearing tier 8 faster if you gear along the way as intended.. OK maybe 2 months from now you might have a slightly higher item level if you wait, maybe? I still don't really get it. Is that really the goal anyway? The highest possible number as soon as possible? I mean, if I'm rolling tier 6/7 and it's just a roadblock to even attempting tier 8, sure, but if I'm struggling then you know I'm gonna go get some gear to get over the hump. Plus at tier 7 you're getting champion track anyway, which can be upgraded.
I'll go with the Diablo rifting philosophy : clear the difficulty where you're neither so overpowered you're one-shotting everything, nor so underpowered that you're struggling every pull.
Nice scarf lmao
Good video, a little long winded but good stuff overall
ex·cla·ma·tion point not a question mark. 😉
Veteran goes to 603
lol this dude if full of shit make your crafted wednesday morning befor you go do delves makes it easier
Perfect guide man, thanks!
imagine doing some bountiful delves and u got duplicate gear gg.
I did 4 heroics in a row without seeing a single piece of loot. I’m not feeling hopeful about my chances in LFR 😅
Good job ty😊
is it true mythic 0`s are daily reset ? or still the same as before weekly reset
the pvp gear is hero track. so you can earn 2 pieces of hero gear as of tomorrow. certain classes like monk have high prio for vers, so that would be the best gear you can get tomorrow
Im playing to chill this minmax makes me 🤮
hey, what is a Non-Bountiful Delves? or whats the diference to a normal one?
Thank you! Where do you go to retrieve items from the great vault?
great video ty!!!
wish I was this good at the front of the camera or speaking :/
I have to get to level 80 first 😭😭
just did a tier 8 with 2 friends (one a healer), was a breeze to do with all of us around 580ilvl. got a 3/8 champ piece.
Nice guide, thx
I need an updated Farseer build for raids!
Zuco are u hittin feral Druid at all? It feels way better than I was expecting ! Pleasantly surprised