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Hi everyone! In today’s video, I will explain how you can get tons of cool transmog sets and weapon cosmetics for all your classes from every expansion, super easily! I will also show you where to find each PvP Vendor in the game for your marks of honor!
World of Warcraft: Marks of Honor Vendor Locations:
00:00 – Intro
00:49 – What To Do
02:12 – Marks of Honor
04:01 – All PvP Vendor Locations
07:43 – Buy Heirlooms
08:08 – Honor Rewards
08:41 – Make Gold
09:21 – Other Rewards
09:55 – Weekly Quest!
I didnt realize the sets i used for the thumbnails are elite sets that have been removed from the game. My bad. Will change the thumbnail as soon as Im home!
nice clickbait titel with the cata elite paladin set
Too bad you have to have max level to actually queue, so War Within is required.
Wish Blizzard would just put a Vintage PVP Vendor in Stormwind and Orgrimmar to buy past sets. Would make it so much easier.
Wish i could get the glaive you're wearing, along with the shifting felblade :/
Dude has 10 million gold (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*
You got me with the thumbnai 😂
How many marks for ALL sets and weapons? I need to know 😀 ty for video
Running out of content ideas huh?
I want that polearm you have.
I miss the legion days when a pvp quest gave marks of honor I would sneak in clear out the trash and leave lol
Can u share ur current transmog set with us ? It looks cool . I didnt see it before.
Life sparks quest is very easy. Just farm disturb earth in area and 5 sprks per. Complete qust to earn bloody tokens. These can purchase other pvp gear. Also war mode will allow you earn 100 tokens per world quest.
Youille spike euh véri goude ineglich wive ane excellente accente beut Aille ame chour ite coulde bi béteur ine freneche
You CANNOT buy the 7th Legionnaire set (tier 3) you used in your thumbnail from the PvP vendors. Update your video.
Ok dumb question, are those set cosmetics wearable normally, or are they only cosmetic for when you are actually doing pvp? In other words, if I start farming this, and I buy a cosmetic set, can I transmog my gear and wear it constantly no matter where or what I am doing like running around town, doing pve, delves, etc etc?
Thank you for showing this. I hate PVP, but this I can do. Already got my DF and Legion sets today from doing this.
You’re a master of stretching a 5 min video into 11 mins
Oh this is a great idea , adding battlegrounds against AI enemies so you can grind some marks of honor if you dont like pvp , that is wonderful , i hope they make it permanent😊
Damn, I wish I had know about this on day one. The only thing I dislike in WoW more than PvP is forced PvP. This one I will do, so, TYVM! <3
You have vendors in Tanaris, Gadgetzan…
You get more marks of honor from doing the soldier of time quest at the 20th anniversary….5 – 7 per quest done per toon each week. You get many more marks that way
You mention Classic but not where the Vendors are located or anything about the Achievement that needs to be completed, please can you elaborate…
Good tip, thanks!
very cool, always wanted to get some items from the pvp vendors but couldnt be bothered with PVP
how did u get that cool ass weapon?
put the marks of honor in your warband bank. you can spend them on any character without taking them out.
Fun fact, you can just put your marks of honor in your warband bank and you can spend on any character without worrying about putting them on one toon.
Alot of the items show in this vídeo are not avaible if u didnt had the pvp rank…. Most items cant be purchased
Those stones shouldve been added earlier , you can literally only play pvp and get enough gold for gametime every month lol.
no patiente to do that pvp battlefields but for collection is a good ideia
love ur vids bro but this isnt new and it isnt being taken away so the title is a bit click bait-y and u could have made it a 3 min video but ik u gotta get those numbers for $
Can we still buy the cloudsong glaive?