DO THIS NOW to be ready for patch 9.0.5 // World of Warcraft: Shadowlands

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In today’s video I discuss 3 things you should be doing NOW to be ready for the upcoming 9.0.5 patch for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands!

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Thanks for watching, see you all next time! 😀

#nubkeks #wow #worldofwarcraft #shadowlands


22 thoughts on “DO THIS NOW to be ready for patch 9.0.5 // World of Warcraft: Shadowlands”

  1. OK So I just skimmed through the patch notes. I did not see any way for non raiders to get better gear.. Yes non raiders want to get stuff too. Don't they all pay the same amount for a sub? Did I not read the gearing upgrade part correctly ? Are Filthy casuals not worthy LOL ? Are they second class citizens to be over looked like the homeless ? Do they have Nothing to look forward to with the new update? Does Blizzard really want to upset people that actually have credit cards? 😛 OHHHH The Humanity !!! But on a serious note … Am I right about the Non raiders NOT getting better gear?

  2. For me, due to the fun utility but no increased damage I made the cheaper to build back piece for final verdict. Found out a week or so ago that the chest piece for final verdict will become almost essential because it's receiving a 15% damaging increase buff in 9.0.5 (tentatively)which when added to its utility is an exceptional item to have. So now I must save five weeks of soul Ash to use the legendary bass item and missives that I already have to make a legendary a second time that I already have at 235 item level. This was a large concern for some entire guilds, recommending that their members not make a legendary for the first few weeks of shadowlands for fear of changes like this but for me I will happily take any increased sustained damage buffs blizzard bestows upon my class, and favorites spec to play. The only unfortunate part is I also have the 235 version of the waist and would need to save another five weeks worth of soul Ash to make the bis DPS mythic plus legendary. I also have a not quite fully upgraded pair of shoulders for tanking among several other legendaries so I'm feeling like I'm about 13 weeks behind where I'd like to be for soul Ash earning even though I've capped every week since the expansions release. I do not however anticipate a covenant swap in my future as a paladin as performing well as a tank pretty much requires Divine toll for its additional AOE/threat generation on a one minute CD.

  3. Nubkeks, Great job as usual Sir! I just wanted to comment on some of the confusion with the amount of Soul Ash you need to upgrade to each Itlvl 😊. So, minus the original amount of Soul Ash you need to initially by your Leggo, you only need (750) Soul Ash to upgrade from Itlvl 190- 210. (1,200) Soul Ash from Itlvl 210- 225. And then (1,950) Soul Ash to itlvl 225- 235.
    *I hope this helps some that didn't know, like ME, in how much you actually need. Thanks Nubkeks!! Keep the great content comn!! 🤘

  4. Guildies: Have you seen the priest cov changes?
    Me: Yeh, they look nifty I suppose.
    Guildies: After doing the math, app if you're nightfae, and use all your Cds on the fire mage he can get 15 Combusts in 1 fight! =D
    Me: "Laughs in Venthyr" i'll happily delete this toon before rerolling to "buff stick".


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