Read more about Shadowlands ➜
This guide explains when you can fly in Shadowlands and how to unlock flying when it arrives. It explains the likely renown requirements and what you should be doing now to prepare for the release. The brand new flying mounts specific to each covenant are also shown and discussed and I give my opinion on the best and worst contenders.
00:00 – Overview
00:36 – When can we fly in Shadowlands?
01:30 – How to unlock flying in Shadowlands
02:22 – Required Renown level for flying
03:29 – What zones can you fly in?
04:02 – Prepare now for flying
04:31 – Brand new flying mounts
04:46 – Kyrian flying mount
05:07 – Necrolord flying mount
05:37 – Venthyr flying mount
06:09 – Night Fae flying mount
07:01 – Summary
My Renown Catch-up Video:
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Which of the new covenant flying mounts are your favourite?
Liked to support aussy yt for wow. Excited to see where your vids go
those night fea mount are the most ugly mount of the 4
Blizzard; punishing you for playing alts for the better part of a decade.
good infromation do you have a guide on torgahst? I can't pass floor 4 level 1
I hate the fiy. I hate it so much I typed ahte the first time I went to type hate.
This video popped up in my suggestions, so glad it did. Thanks for the info! lol@Legion priest mount with a fancy hat. At least it comes in black. 🙄
battle for azeroth pathfinder for flying was a grind to get there, and it wasnt fun along the way getting ganked while doing it, but i think blizzard wanted to test players to see if they were committed to the game. What they do for 9.1, will be interesting say the least.
Getting married huh another one bits the dust.
You guys uses mounts? /Druid
Venthyr looks cool. Good video – earned a Sub from me
I want the night fae wolf noodles. That’s the best possible explanation. Maybe a fox noodle.
Im glad this was in my recommendet nice vid keep it up👍🏼
And grats on your Wedding dude wish u two nothing but the best.
thought this was like a 800k subs guy but its just 300 subs.
First time seeing your vids. It's pretty good! My favorite is the necrolord mount and kyrian mount. Not a fan of night fae and the gargoyle one is cool.
Wow the Venthyr one is incredible
An Aussie wow channel awesome, subbed
Venthyr. Obviously.
subscribed – great video. Thank you for taking the time to make this video.
Falcor with horns, we are getting our own luck dragons!!
I switched to Nightfae because of that flying studio ghibli fox mount.
Good luck with the wedding 🙂 and thanks for the video's
those necrolord flys are craptastic. literally. worst thing i have ever seen in WoW. makes me wonder what kind of drugs that dev team was on when they came up with that
”anything in Revendreth” got me good
I honestly like that youve to travel the world and not just fly everywhere
I'm already at level 40 renown and have the diplomat achie, but are you saying that the next patch is another 40 levels of renown?
The mosquito is awesome
Fuck this.. im only renown lv 9 and im bored of walking.. pass…
None of these are original, they all have a previous flying mount look to them! Blizz getting lazy and sloppy… no wonder so many people quitting!
Just went im 90% done with my draenor flying quests.
Hope your Wedding goes well. Many blessings to you and your bride
I like all of them!!!
Oh and grats on the marriage!!! I hope you and your other are very happy together!!!
im already exhalted with everyone……give me back flying with rep…….weeks of quests now……get real
The Night Fae mount is the flying Dog mount from the movie "The Neverending Story" from the 1980's. 😆
Wow, Kyrian mount is a disappointment, but Ardenweald’s looks awesome. Might have to switch just for the mount 😘
Whoever is in charge of cosmetics for the necrolords REALLY missed the mark from the beginning. The only thing that is good, but the plate armor.. but even then….
I had high hopes on a cool flying mount. I’m absolutely shocked they chose to go with an ugly bug with a shit color pallet.
It’s as if the person in charge is only satisfying their weird cosmetic desire.
I’m actually really bummed seeing this… I went nexro lord because the covenant ability, for me, was my best option for the way I play. I just wish literally 1 thing cosmetically could even compete with the rest of the game.
Korthia? I've must have missed something, what is that?