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Do you drop these videos when the servers going down on purpose?? Lol
It would be dope if they brought back island expeditions. Made them actually drop transmog and mounts regularly.
I believe backgrounds for the character screen should be not only customizable but also throw in vistas of places. Love Tanaris? How about your warband is in the sandy desert wastes with that hazy foreground distortion? Love overlooking a specific cliff? Have them stand at the edge looking at the adventure and wilderness below while they hold their weapons either over their shoulder or in their hand, supporting them. These should be unlocked by using old and new areas and finding these vistas.
I'm so excited!!!
I thought it wasn't retroactive
"But that's not going to be here until next month!" Next week is March. Drops Mic
If we don’t get new and updated gryphons in this expansion dwarf-themed expansion…
Updated gryphon with red and gold armor to go with my Scarlet Crusade themed Warband background 😉
I am doing the absolute best thing to do before the war within… NOTHING!!!
wait so is all the unobtainable transmog going away? that's crazy.
azerite armor brought a lvl of rng that you get in destiny 2 a few years ago before weapon crafting
Is it confirmed that items dropped now will be warbanded for tmog?
i personally want mounts that still arent. not everyone really likes the new flight.