Do you LOVE or HATE Shadowlands?

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I made this video to get your opinions on Shadowlands and ended up waffling for 10 minutes but there you go….
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29 thoughts on “Do you LOVE or HATE Shadowlands?”

  1. I decided that I would take a break from raiding this expansion due to other time commitments, and boy does it change your perspective on things. I got to 60 and finished the campaign, and after that things ground to a halt. I just can't arsed with all the grinding. There's nothing compelling about doing WQs every day or spamming dungeons. Torghast seemed like it was going to be really cool and worth levelling different alts for, but then they decided to chuck all player feedback for it into the bin to make it into a total mandatory grindfest. Way to kill your main selling point. I absolutely loved Legion but it seems like a diamond in the rough nowadays. Things have been going downhill for a long time. For the time being I've been playing and enjoying other things that respect my time more. It remains to be seen if Blizzard can pull itself up by its bootstraps, but the company as a whole has been seemingly flagging for quite some time. All their IPs are either dead or stale, and it'll be quite some time before anything new is ready. Oh well. We'll see.

  2. They should let players switch Covenant freely, everybody would have MUCH MORE FUN than now.

    Honestly, i'm losing my mind at the Weekly grind but i enjoyed the content, i just wished they would let us play it.

  3. I must be the only person who really loved BFA. I mostly run dungeon content, do dailies, and explore. Loooooved Mechagon zone. And all the abilities that came with the Heart of Azeroth and surrounding gear. I started in BFA so I may be biased in favor of it

  4. Dont like it.
    Too little lore, small zones, RNGhell with low drops, booring class-design, too little changes, being a NightBorne and I feel like I have 1 night of playing pr week.
    I dont feel like the time I put in rewards me

  5. i somehow liked bfa more. bfa was a mess but at least it had more content and gameplay aspects. i dont think people realize how little content shadowlands has because its all time gated so it will take longer and create an illusion of more content. even getting better gear takes longer, and with the level squish its a whole grind for gear thats 2 or 3 ilvls higher than whatever you had before

  6. The lore is dead, characters arent cool anymore, m+ drops shit loot, raiding is boring, quest lines are the same quests, torghast is visions 2.0, boring xpac just like bfa

  7. I never even played. I knew it was going to be garbage before it even came out. When they started talking about changing up Torghast to not being endless and ruining gearing through mythic + I wanted nothing to do with the game.

  8. Allowing solo queue rated bgs would add a lot of depth to the pvp experience. As would allowing dungeon/lfr queuing of higher difficulties over time, being stuck at only heroic dungeons or lfr raid difficulty, means there's a clear end to content when you don't want to be stuck with a play schedule with other people/guild or wait long hours in town waiting for an invite. Also they have never quite learned the lesson about how their new content immediately kills their most recent content, even within expansion. They at least realize it's there and desired to be played with classic as well as with time walking and peoples focus on old world transmogs but it's no where near the same. Imo they should implement a torghast like system for all legacy raids giving some of that good roguelite gameplay while transmog hunting instead of their current path of at some arbitrary point just making the old raids trivaly easy to solo.

  9. As recently returned player I never had this much buyers remorse. I can't even damage other players. Combustion triple pyro blast does less than 10% damage. Fireballs barely scratch the opponents while they 2-3 shot me.

  10. i love WoW, i hate Shadowlands. what i want is the game being relevant wherever i go. yes i want to replay that old cata zones and other stuff

  11. Just upping the anima gain by 10 times, lower cost of Covenant buildings + unlocking Covenant Mog/Pet/Mount/Title to be acc-wide would improve the game A LOT.
    Also, adding more "Kill this 1 elite guy" quests back… We have 0 in SL, all are complicated WQs only.

  12. As a pvper I got 2806 on mage in February 227 ilvl no pve outside of torghast got bored of mage and rerolled hpriest now 2830 227 ilvl no pve again outside of torghast and new alts being made this experience is vastly superior than doing 15s on all my alts in bfa with braindead pver’s, being able to actually do content I enjoy is wonderful. if only they made changes to the game

  13. The lack of "needed loot" from M+ on top of the ruining lower brackets with allowing lvl 60 's to make the game play obsolete made me think SL is quite bad.

  14. I’m getting bored of SL. Was a lot of fun at the start but now it’s just pointless grinding with no real benefit for myself. Needless to say, 9.1 needs to be released ASAP!

    I already have KSM and AOTC so I don’t feel any inclination to raid or run m+. My ilvl is 219, it could be higher but I don’t really care to gear anymore because I’m bored of the content. I guess it’s time to farm gold until 9.1 – but even then blizz ruined raw gold farming so gold making methods are more limited now.

    Oh, and class/spec balance is a literal nightmare. Not sure why blizzard lets such a large power discrepancy between classes/specs exist within their game, but it ruins opportunities for people who enjoy off meta classes/specs.

    Other than that, SL has been better than bfa thus far IMO and I’m good with that. I just wish there was more to do.

  15. Everything it's just annoying and hard, the anima grinds are just a waste of time, pvp is so unbalanced, i had more fun doing random bgs when i was leveling my characters than random or rated pvp at lvl 60, having good gear on alts it's just annoying, you have to spend a lot of time doing the campaign to get the covenant armor, you can't get honor to upgrade the pvp gear at lvl 60 because you are useless on bgs and arenas and everyone one-shots you, if you want to do a mythic dungeon there's always people that just go for a legendary, if they don't get it they just leave, there's a lot of things to do but most of them require a lot of hours (Even days or weeks) and they feel like a waste of time

  16. No class is fun anymore, they are so generic, hollow. The small things fhat made a class or spec special are long gone.
    The overall game feels hollow and empty.

    Lots of pointless shit to do. Gearing just because of gearing.
    Shit, you dont even need good gear anymore since all mobs die under 5 sec anyway so why should i gear up?
    Theres no danger in the world, you just Face roll everything

    The only thing that isnt pointless in this game is transmog and mounts, wich also have become Boring to do after all these years of no content.

    The game today is a single player shithole "rpg" with a WoW skin.


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