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Arms Warrior 2s with Resto Shaman in Shadowlands. Had alot of fun and im really enjoying the overall experience still. I hope you guys enjoy the video, if so make sure to leave a comment down bellow as it does support the video.
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claak is the homie
What’s the other game you enjoy claak?
I puked in my mouth when I saw that map 🙁
monk is 10x stronger
Streaming now
Claak can I join your guild
Only real fans noticed the South Park joke
lmao 2:46 horrible
Savix worked hard for his Grammatical Gladiator title
those three thumbs down apparently from a stroke
You have addon for damage numbers or is that default
BFA pvp was better
I wish you would get more views. Feels bad man. Love ya bro.
Claak back at it again with the great vid!
Is condemn better for climbing than Kyrian?
How much was your warrior cr at the end of the video?
New Claak!! Pog 10/10 video moar plz!
pls let us do double enhance.. teach me senpaiiiiiii
Ur spec is really good 🙂
You're annoying. And your videos need improvement. Literally got nothing from this video. I hate you.