Don’t WASTE Your Bronze Bullions! Do This FIRST In Season 4 of Dragonflight

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Season 4 of Dragonflight is here and with it comes the special new currency the Antique Bronze Bullions. These are a very limited currency, so let’s talk about how you can get them and the best way to use them, so you don’t waste your bullions. There’s also a big dungeon overhaul, new weekly quests, and so many different ways to get gear.

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Timestamps –
00:00 – Do this FIRST in Season 4 of Dragonflight
00:31 – The new weekly quest
01:11 – Check the awakened raid
01:24 – How to get Antique Bronze Bullion
03:33 – Where to spend Antique Bronze Bullion
04:52 – Alts will be huge here
05:50 – The weekly quest
06:14 – New crafting sparks
06:54 – Outdoor world content for quick gearing
07:57 – Big reputation buffs to help grinding
08:30 – The big dungeon changes
10:18 – Timewalking is great for easy gear too


38 thoughts on “Don’t WASTE Your Bronze Bullions! Do This FIRST In Season 4 of Dragonflight”

  1. i don't think they thought about these changes very well, now getting veteran level gear is harder as it only comes from overworld content which is weekly locked, heroics only give vet gear in the vault, again weekly locked, drake crests are also locked to weekly activities and you only get a handful of them per dungeon run, meanwhile M+ can be done endlessly and now drop champion gear at low levels but only drop wyrm crests even starting at +2

    in other words, veteran gear is harder to get, drake crests are gonna be rare, and wyrm crests are gonna be the easiest ones to farm up.

  2. The Bullion to start is 1 this week with a cap increase of 1 per week from what I understand. so If you get one this week, next week youll be able to get 2 so on and so forth. so by the time you get to week 7 you should be able to get most if not all your BiS items from the vendor and some cosmetics if you want it

  3. Getting better gear to group with idiots is not going to make me group with idiots. Give Bronze Bullion on outdoor content and/or solo dungeons.
    Ive been in enough call center training classrooms to witness when the Trainer says "Lets do a group activity to get to know each other" that every single person is part of a collective groan, except that weird dude in the corner picking his nose. Quit trying to make me play with the weird kid in the corner that picks his nose Blizz!!! We tried. Theres a reason he has no friends.
    And before i hear the "why you playing a mmorpg" response, I got three letters for you. RTS. Some people love the lore. some people want to be bad ass enough to solo the elite. Some people dont want the emersion broken by a racist asshat.

  4. I think I wouldve prefered a cap of 2 bullions per week with each gear item costing 3 that way you wouldn't be gearing up instantly but you could still have more choice down the road sooner. Ofcourse the transmogs could stay at 1 each. I'm also surprised the mount isn't like 5 minimum haha. Otherwise S4 is pretty nice all things considered.

  5. Ahh BiS gear at the end of an expansion with no more new content coming out to actually use it on, that will only be replaced as soon as The War Within comes out. Sounds like a waste of time to me!😅

  6. @kelani do you know if theyve increased the bad luck protection or anything, few guildies are at like 15kills for sarkareth and still no evoker legendary and its kinda killing their drive for the game


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