Dragonflight PrePatch Guide: EVERY New Feature In World of Warcraft

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All that you need to know about Dragonflight PrePatch!
PrePatch event & controller footage via MRGM https://www.youtube.com/c/MrGMYT/videos

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44 thoughts on “Dragonflight PrePatch Guide: EVERY New Feature In World of Warcraft”

  1. One thing I haven't heard anyone talk about is the possibility of someone changing their loot spec between bosses so they can still need roll on things for their offspec? Any idea if there is some kind of protection from this? 🙂

  2. The new ui and talent tree are making a few old friends rage quit WoW. Shadowlands didn’t do it but talent trees = them leaving, weird. Here I am going into a classic feeling of oh joy talent trees and they are going yup f wow I’m done.

  3. You don't get the boost with every pre-purchase tier only the $70 and $90 USD tiers. If you just get the $50 like me because I don't need to boost any toons to 60 you will only get the early access to Dracthyr and the pet.

  4. i got a problem with the party member interface. Am I the only one who cant see the left side bar (the one with symbols and countdown) when I select party and not raid? Is there a way can fix it or you got the same problem? btw so many bugs on this pre patch 🙁

  5. Blows my mind that people still play this time sink. When you look back on your life, you will regret the time you wasted with this, and you will remember very little of that portion of your life.

  6. The only bad change is same as in Cataclysm – class/race limitations make sense and should stay the way they been created.
    Rogue and mage taurens distort the feeling of tribalistic, naturalistic theme of taurens.

  7. I’ve been playing the pre-patch, Destruction Warlock feels so strong / I love logging on and jumping into battlegrounds to farm honour and conquest, buying gear and upgrading it.

    I would like Blizz to remove the ranked pvp barrier for upgrading gear though for us players that don’t know anyone to play with / don’t have enough time to spend farming ranked pvp anymore due to working / gf / life commitments.

    Let us lonely solo players jump into BG’s and slowly farm our points and once we’ve earned enough, let us upgrade (it’s already punishingly slow by doing random BG’s / Arenas) which is enough of a grind / barrier without having a ranked barrier in the way.

  8. Alot of these changes are straight out of ff14. The combine bag function for one.

    This isn't a bad thing taking from successful games isn't bad, as the lead developer for ff14 has gone on record to say he takes things from WoW too.
    Going forward they should look to streamline the story in OPTIONAL MSQ progression. It'd require effort as they'd need to go back and update old quests, re add ones removed etc.

    After all it's said and done just give us necromancer and I'd be satisfied

  9. The Skill trees are broken, just like they were in BC. It forces you to take talents YOU DONT WANT OR NEED to get to the next level. These are basically the Skill trees from BURNING CRUSADE and has all the same FLAWS that they fixed. Blizzard is simply pulling OLD CONTENT AND RESKINING IT.

    The UI is CHEAP LOOKING and simplistic and REMOVES features that were useful. The icons for LFG, Guild etc are GREYED OUT and so small they are hard to see.

    Bellular is such a SHILL who has NO CLUE how looting works since he is CARRIED thru content.

  10. Solo role queue for rated battlegrounds would bring me back to the game permanently. Battlegrounds have always been my main source of joy in WoW, and not being able to solo queue them has always been frustrating.

  11. I have a question, you said that from now on you will not be forced to do 50-60 in Shadowlands, you can do it in other parts, right?
    Then why at the moment you are not able to do 40-50 in older expansions, like Pandaria or TBC? Or the level brackets when you open the map are just for normal leveling? Can you use any expansion to do 1-50? And when DragonFlight launches, 1-60 everywhere?

  12. After testing with the "Reflecting Prism" item, the dracthyr have their own animations for each class. Which leads me to believe that one day in the future they will not be class-locked to evoker.


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