Draka is BADA$$! | Shadowlands Afterlives: Maldraxxus trailer reaction (REUPLOAD)

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Draka, orc of the Frostwolf Clan, was not a warrior born, but a warrior made. In the fires of battle that forge the armies of the Maldraxxus, Draka must learn that nothing and no one—not even she—is what they seem. This one, though I dont know much about Draka, her story sure was a wild one, if you all like the video, be sure to give it a like and a sub!

ORIGINAL VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wtDhxtx14c

#gaming #blizzardentertainment #worldofwarcraft #reaction


8 thoughts on “Draka is BADA$$! | Shadowlands Afterlives: Maldraxxus trailer reaction (REUPLOAD)”

  1. yes, Shadowlands is where all of this takes place. and those were not Scourge, Maldraxxus is the afterlife of warriors, combatants, and champions. they protect the rest of the Shadowlands from outside disruptions, but as of recently, there has been infighting between the houses, ever since their mightiest warrior, known as The Primus, disappeared.


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