EASIEST Bronze Farm in Warcraft Pandaria Remix

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EASIEST Bronze Farm in Warcraft Pandaria Remix #gamer #gamingcommunity #mmorpg #worldofwarcraft #gaming #twitchclips #game #gamingvideos #warcraft


5 thoughts on “EASIEST Bronze Farm in Warcraft Pandaria Remix”

  1. Another way is to do the scenario, dungeon, and raid dailies. There’s also the rep dailies too. World Bosses drop a decent amount of bronze. Doing the achievements give bronze and other things… there’s so many ways to get bronze and not have to do these “farms”.

    Now one thing Blizz needs to do is, reduce the amount of bronze needed for the gear upgrades. It shouldn’t take 87,000 bronze to upgrade one piece.

  2. The flying for bronze is one of the worst bronze farms. Randomly going around questing gives more. Just do your dailies and when the dailies run out, go to a mon dense area and kill things until you get bored.


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