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Join the fam Welcome back to MarcelianOnline! Today we’re ranking the easiest tank …
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Join the fam Welcome back to MarcelianOnline! Today we’re ranking the easiest tank …
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Easiest Ranged DPS in 10.2.5👀
Fury vs Arms: 10.2.5 DPS Comparison👀
Still trying to get over my Tankphobia. I don’t know what it is, but I cant commit to tanking lol
The video quality and production are second to none. Keep up the good work and continue helping the Retail WOW Universe 😀
My favourite tank is paladin 😊 the second best for me is paladin. Then paladin, followed by paladin, second last is paladin and last unfortunately I’m going to place the paladin 😕
Bruh I tried tanking when I was 14 before cata was released.. I got absolutely shredded by the group and everyone left 😭
Tanking is more fun then dps
The amount of auto interrupts on a prot pally tho, amazing!
when you see your toon on screen lol
Blood dk is easy ? Imo the higher the key the less mistakes you can do.
Always wild seeing Protection Paladin on the hardest difficulty on these lists cause to me it feels extremely easy.
Blood DK is easy until you hit higher than average content. Knowing how not to get one shot at the start of a pull before you have RP in a 25+ and get a full ramp before you are fucked takes a much more skilled player. The skill ceiling for BDK is pretty nuts honestly. BM monk is still hardest tank to play by far though.
Nah, the hardest one is getting invited to a pug as a prot warrior bro
Thanks for the vid!
Bdk is only easy in low keys and to play prot pala on a decent level isnt hard imo. My Ranking is: Bear VDH Warri Pala BDK BM
Shit is too complex
tanking or healing is so worth it just to get near-instant ques, try them out & help the poor dps wait less. if you like being at the top of dps then at lower lvs tanks & healers can out damage people often.
Tank you 🙂
ups I want to learn to tank and I chosen BM I just hit 60 lets see what gonna happen later xd
I've been maining tank this whole expac. I've played all except prot paladin, though demon hunter is my most played. In my opinion, warrior is the easiest. You can focus on damage for like 80% of a dungeon or raid, until you get into specific boss phases or higher mythic keys. You get enough uptime on shield block to not worry about anything. That being said, it isn't quite as fun. Brewmaster is hard but it is hectic and fun as heck.
Actually i don't like my tank. Just because so many dps think they can pull what they want instead of let the tank pull… and if you let them die they flame you -.-
The only tank I have is Prot Warrior. It’s the only tank I find fun. But conversely, most of its time is spent sitting in Valdrakken being denied 18s at 2700 IO and 484 ilvl lol.
Good dk easy? The ping pong tank that is at 20% 1/2 of the time ? The rotation might be easy but the important part of tanking … being stable and having agro isn’t that easy
I always thought brewmaster was too hard but honestly once you get a hang of the dps rotation and it becomes muscle memory, the defensive aspect becomes super easy imo! You always absolutely pump as a bm
I main paladin , you speak the truth, i like that you spoke about the 2 holy power and having avengers shield but sacrificing it for getting that bit more holy power. But i still dont think its harder then brewmaster
For everything you said about prot pally concecration where you must stand in it for benefits, blood dk should get the same credit for difficulty/ annoyance involving that mechanic because blood is also dependent on standing in death and decay
Awesome thanks this was heaps helpful!
People may get angry with me but, i will say macro makes them easy. I've been playing wow since 2005 as a druid. I had an accident and my gaming experience is significantly damaged. I started using macros by modifying them. Tbh, the game has become much more easier to play, less buttons to press, less reflexes needed and more fun.
as a tank main that has mostly mained prot paladin, i'll have to object. though i understand this list is mostly subjective, prot paladin is an easy class to mess up (though nowadays it is much harder to mess up as prot thanks to sentinel and the return of eye of tyr, but to me at least it's overall an average tank as it usually depends if you're used to a spec with a bunch of defensives. and I also have to say blood dk in alot of scenarios has to make each death strike count, on top of having to manage bone shield and runic power. to me i think if we reverse blood dk and prot pally's places it's more like it
BDK and Pally should switch places in your list
I've seen SOOOO MANY bad gurdian druids. One of them is my friend. He is playing with weird talents, doesn't use ironfur , swipe is his top dps ability and he is somehow 2700 rio. I've tried to help him multiple times but he just doesn't want to listen.
Bdk easiest unbrain spec ever))0 total utility class look like bm hunter
"all specs are gonna be easy, because it's world of Warcraft" shots fired!
Try to push some higher keys as a prot warr and u will change your mind, that spell and dot damage that u take at some add groups and last boss from Rise u can fill it in your finger 🙂 🎉
Almost making me reconsider coming back to WoW
Run a plus 2 in dawn first dungeon with dps who doesn't do mechanics and tell me it's easy