Elemental Shaman TLDR Guide Shadowlands

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Check the Shadowlands Elemental Shaman guide to learn everything on the shadowlands elemental shaman stats, talents, legendaries, the elemental shaman rotation and last but not least, the elemental shaman best covenant :)This is a TLDR Speed guide and doesn’t go over the super Advanced Elemental Shaman tips & tricks but it will stick you on the right path

0:00 Intro
0:24 Talents
1:00 Stats & Leggos
1:33 Covenants
1:58 Conduits
2:08 Rotation


7 thoughts on “Elemental Shaman TLDR Guide Shadowlands”

  1. I have an important question: if less than 5 targets apply flame shocks and is it worth casting lavabursts? Is it worth casting lavabursts to empower earthquake if u r overcapped on maelstrom


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