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The Emerald Dream is a vast, ever-changing spirit world that exists outside the boundaries of the physical world and is the verdant realm of the Dragon Aspect Ysera.
The Emerald Dream apparently has some kind of ancient link with the realm of Ardenweald, where souls close to nature, such as Ysera herself, rest in the Shadowlands, essentially being opposite blooms connected to the same tree, with the former personalizing Life in its waxing stages, and the latter embodying Life in its wane. Where the Dream represents the spring and summer of the cycle of life, Ardenweald reflects autumn and winter, in essence, being the highest expression of the relationship between endings and beginnings – between Death and Life.
When Elune, through Tyrande Whisperwind and the Winter Queen communed in Ardenweald, they created The Sisters’ Tear, an artifact meant to serve as a “vessel of renewal” (the souls of the Night Elves who died during the Burning of Teldrassil and who were rescued from the Maw). After the rediscovery of the Dragon Isles, Tyrande brought the seed to Merithra, who took her through the Ancient Bough so that she could plant it within the Emerald Dream for safety.
When the time neared for the tree to leave the cradle of the Emerald Dream and manifest into the physical world, the Primalists set their eyes on it.
The Druids of the Flame, Fyrakk and his forces finally made their way into the Emerald Dream. But rather than destroy or burn it, Fyrakk set out to imbue the tree with “the living flame”, spreading it across all of Azeroth and remaking the world in eternal fire.
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For the music titles turn on the CC (captions/subtitles) from YouTube bar.
Rootwoven Sanctuary, Amirdrassil, Eye of Ysera, Dreams Hope: Leo Kaliski
Haven Cascades, Ancient Bough, Viridescent Thicket, Firebreach, Flame Incursion: Jake Lefkowitz
Emerald Dream: Glenn Stafford
Barrows Of Reverie: Russell Brower
Locations on this video:
0:00:00 Intro / Emerald Dream
0:00:50 Ancient Bough / Verdant Landing
0:02:16 Shallow Crossing
0:03:17 Shoreline Roots
0:04:09 Fields of Reverie
0:06:34 Barrows of Reverie
0:08:44 Amirdrassil
0:13:03 Central Encampment
0:14:37 Vyranoth, Tyrande, Alexstrasza, Merithra and Wrathion
0:17:21 Root-Bound Sanctuary
0:19:02 Twisting Wood
0:20:03 Emerald Dream
0:21:58 Summerjoy Shoal
0:23:00 Slumbersome Shores
0:24:14 Lucid Reef
0:27:08 Emerald Dream
0:28:24 Whorlwing Basin
0:31:11 Shiversnap Grove
0:32:49 Springrain River
0:33:31 Viridescent Thicket
0:34:15 Winter’s Landing
0:35:52 Emerald Dream
0:38:03 Viridescent Thicket
0:39:32 Springling Gloam
0:41:36 Lushdream Crags
0:42:37 Dreamsurge Basin
0:43:37 Haven Cascades
0:45:28 Sor’theril Barrow Den
0:47:27 Eye of Ysera
0:49:30 Ysera
0:50:02 Eye of Ysera
0:51:40 Wildling Garden
0:52:26 Slagfell Hold
0:53:05 Druids of the Flame
0:54:19 The Smoldering Copse
0:55:33 Wildfire Canyon
0:56:39 Field of Flames
0:57:56 Wellspring Overlook
0:59:07 Wellspring of Life, Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope Raid Entrance
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#Meisio #WorldofWarcraft #Dragonflight
I was hesitant in releasing this video. I was ready since Friday evening, but I kept listening to the tracks to include the best of them. I am not sure now… I've kept a lot of good tracks outside the 1-hour compilation. I'll make sure to include all of them in the stream program though.
The zone Emerald Dream is like Val'sharah and Ardenweald made a child together. But the music is a mix of Tiragade Sound, Teldrassil and Ohn'ahran Plains music. But it sounds so good!
One more thing: you probably heard by now, Russell Brower is back (Edit: he's not back, just some old tracks which are being used now). I think he's going to make Classic+ music, but it feels good to hear his music again in Dragonflight. What a waste he was gone all this time. Too bad he did not do anything for Azure Span, but I am happy to see him back regardless.
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Val'sharah video:
Ardenweald video:
Dragonflight playlist:
All World of Warcraft music & ambience playlist:
Livestream with Music & Ambience:
With love,
I love the ambiance in this zone ! i get Vanilla Ashenvale and Feralas vibes
This is amazing, I've always bought the CE editions (mainly for the soundtrack) but the one thing I've always been a little irritated is when they do expansion releases I can't get the music. In the past I've used some package tools and extracted the music (like in the says of Silithus) but when they changed the formatting of the game files I've not been able to do it (or tried hard enough). Are you using a special tool or is there a place to download these?
What's the name of the first track? I can't find it anywhere. I imagine this is what I'd hear when I die and am floating up (or down) into the great beyond…
21:10 is the part I love the most!!
Just not a patch on the original game music – far too scored, loud and distracting. The old ambient tracks from Vanilla through to WoTLK are unsurpassed. The change in composing from Cataclysm was a disaster. Now all of the game music is more like a film score, far too oompah-pah, crescendoing and grating strings.
What happened to all the soft ambient, planetary and subtle sounds? Sorry guys, but this is pants compared to OG WoW music.
Wow music team carry this fcking company
i love 41:03 onwards so much
Amazing music and amazing land.
Thanks Meisio. =D
As a green dragon enjoyer this place is like second home to me😊
7:45 <3
43:38 hits home… great sountrack
this should have been its own expansion for crying out loud not the dreck we have now
Music is beautiful but the zone is mediocre at best! Reuse assets.
My first toon was a Druid.
Always loved the Swiss Army Knife approach.
Hero Bear, Finishing DPS, Emergency Healer, Mass Resurrect.
…and this beautiful place was just for us. ❤❤❤
If there as anything that could have brought me back to WOW, it would have been walking into The Emerald Dream. But after so much of the lore was ret-conned, and the expansions just became Terry Pratchet ripoffs, I had to put the game down. Finding out Emerald Dream was finally in WOW to experience, I thought about it and realized still can't quite go back. But I'm glad I got to see and hear this vid. Thank you.
Ysera at 49:31 is some of the most evocative and alluring music I’ve ever heard in WoW 😍
Thank you thank you! I’m so happy to have found this video. You just made my evenings/nights. Forever dreaming in the emerald dream
I love this place, it's like Val'sharah on steroids, but I hope that one day we will go to the real Dream. This place is Ordered by Titans it is not pure Nature