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Checking out the class updates and Covenant ability reworks in this week’s Shadowlands beta patch!
0:00 Intro
0:34 Death Knight
5:17 Druid
8:03 Hunter
12:47 Monk
17:21 Paladin
19:49 Priest
24:43 Rogue
30:59 Shaman
34:29 Warlock
39:07 Warrior
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#nubkeks #wow #shadowlands #worldofwarcraft #beta
Doesn’t the shaman talent only refresh the flame shock duration on the target hit by earth shock? Here’s hoping I’m wrong…
Happy to see the balance changes for Hunter's covenants abilities. Now I won't feel as bad choosing Kyrian for my BM Hunter instead of Necrolords. 🙂
I feel like they just destroyed all the warlock covenants just because they didn't want to have the night fae one buff your next drain life. Also it looks like ether goal for tuning is just make the covenants all be mehh so it doesn't actually effect anything
You missed that condem was buffed for arms
I would say that the between the eyes change is a considerable scaling nerf – you can be happy about it for 1 useless tier. after that tier you easily hit 30-40% crit and i would rather have had the crit dmg…
Great video man. Hopefully you don't burn out and keep giving us great content because this shit is awesome and everyone should be grateful
Is mage just blizzards favorite child lol
Blizzard needs to fuck off nerfing warlocks, why cant we good in m+???? Why
Now do a video about Shadowlands Expansion Delayed Until Later This Year ;=)
No mage update!! 😕
I was glad to see the change to Venthyr and the buff to Kyrian as a rogue main. It really was no competition vs Serrated bonespike so im glad to see that was nerfed also to balance it more. I like the idea of no obvious choice in my gameplay, where all can shine in different scenarios.
Sad that the sub aoe dmg got nerfed would love to dont have to Play Outlaw in m+
id rather play venthyr then kyrian tho, so hope they fix the flag for Venthyr 😛 buff it up or smt
Great video. Funny that They buff Rogue since he is topping dps… How about they try finding out why Feral druid does so much less dmg for more affort.
Shadowland delayed !!!!
lol I saw the Tauren and got confused that Taurens could be rogues xD
Seeing the adjustments to the protection warrior legendary is disheartening. Could have been a cool place for the Prot warrior to be, having these raid benefitting cooldowns. For example, the necrolord banner, which still needs work but provides a benefit for your DPS and then there would be this spell reflect legendary that would again emphasize this role of a Warrior Protector.
man, i really wish this pre-patch would hit so I can level my Vulpera rogue.
You rock!
This expansion is going to a complete shit show.
I'm waiting for the pre-patch to come back. I want to play a melee class that has good passive or built in self healing. I think Havoc DH was the best at that before. What class is best for that now? Maybe Fury Warrior?
The fact they didnt bother changing anything about Vengeance says alot. Quite possibly the worst spec in the game atm, in shadowlands..
really not feeling how the presumably best covenants power wise don't match class fantasy at all in most cases. I.e. faerie DKs?! Wtf
I've been noticing Echoing Reprimand has been hit or miss on whether or not it actually works as Assassin, so still a bit bugged.
Warrior's Vanguard tool tip isn't incorrect; it's that the baseline of the passive itself has been buffed. Rank 1 of Vanguard now grants the 60% (Instead of 50%) while Rank 2 of Vanguard (introduced in SL) will give you 100% instead of the previous 90% bonus. Love the video!
and yet MM hunters still do 30-50k on 5-8 targets on recent streams i've seen last night
You are legit the most enjoyable person to listen to 😮 The tone, te humor…just great videos man 🙂
as a bear druid…thanks bliz ..thats one less spell i have to use lol
its funny bliz nerfing these things to make it harder for the 1% makes it easier for us casuals that dont give a fuck about useless spells LOL
so bliz just loves making us not care which cov we choose lol
even with inevitable demise, the night fae doesn't buff your drain life. Honestly from what I have been seeing even when you run night fae it isn't worth taking ID and you don't even cast drain life
What are these weak auras you're using?
Getting bone shield charges on Abom Limb is actually sick because the ability doesn't cost resources.
so uh.. quick question.. will 2x 1h fury actually be viable? if so i'll probably will get back at my warrior this addon. i never really dug the 2x 2h.. i mean.. it's called 2h for a reason right?
Missed the arms condemn buff??
Nubkeks has vulpera eyes
Gosh, it’s a good thing they nerfed that Druid. Wouldn’t want them, especially feral, being the monster meta dps like they are in every other expansion…oh wait.
what addon are you using to show your bleeds with the counter on the target??
Are you fkn kidding me. Rogues get more buffs. This dev team needs to be fired. This game has gone downhill fast because they can't stop messing the game up.
Apparently rank 2 shadow strike is gone which was 25% damage increase so they buffed the base damage of shadow strike by 20% which is a 5% nerf.
Cute, informative, good vibes. What's not to like? Great work man!
Warlock are just so much more powerful then any other class. So yeah thank god keep balancing and nerfing
The spell reflect legendary if it's only going to be you and one ally should amplify the damage of the spell it's reflecting a by 50-100% randomly
Wow positive changes for WW?? No wonder SL got delayed. They buffed Monk instead of removing it /s
Seriously though this is great! WW feels so good and is great in PvP. I really hope this makes them viable in PvE
Nub, I've watched hundreds of different WoWtubers over the years and you are by FAR the best I've ever seen. Thanks for the hard work and research that goes into these videos, it is much appreciated!