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You can now pre-order the next expansion for World of Warcraft, The War Within, and with any level of pre order, you get yourself an ‘Enhanced Level 70 character boost’ .. but what exactly does that mean?! Here is everything you will get with the boost, enjoy!
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#worldofwarcraft #warwithin #blizzcon #boost
Reachent Bag. Noice
Does the alt have to be on the same faction for the rep benefits or can I boost an alliance alt and get the rep benefits on horde too?
424? holy fuck i fully expected 372 or 395 max….
If they make old reps account wide with the Warbands, leveling new characters through the Dragon Isles should increase renown as well. Wonder it they will keep paragon bags.
It needs a hard reset. It’s not really possible for new players like me to get into now after all them tons of xpansions
Do my saved boosts from previous expansion purchases upgrade to an Enhanced Character Boost?
I've been thinking about returning to wow and pre order this expansion because i have never played dragonflight + it comes with dragonflight if you dont own it. is it really worth 50 dollars of my bank account?
hwo bout professions and if so is there any limitation such as you have to be lvl … to also get that boosted?
Never played the Dragon Flight expansion yet. I seen in the video that the boost does not complete any of the previous DF campaign for me. Is that campaign mandatory for me to go back and do for my progression? Or can I ignore it and move forward? Thanks.
Hi, I am new in DF expansion and boosted character straight away. Now I am strugling to get to know what is going on in this expansion. How dragon riding works, reputation, storyline etc. Is it possible to start questing on Dragon Isle just like a new character to learn everything from the beggining but with my main lvl 70 character?
warcraft has been broken. Fix World PVP, we want large scale battles. We dont want battleground downsized to deal with your bloated old graphics engine
Is it worth it if I am just coming back to WoW. I haven't played Dragonflight at all but somehow WoW is calling me back :D. What are the down parts of using the boost. can we use the Revival Catalyst without doing any main campaign? thank u
Great video, just wanted to double check, do you still get to complete the loaam niffen questline after you boost so boost to 12, the the quests get you to max renown?
Do you know if there will be a collectors edition?
Im a returning player. Would I be able to boost my main?
I will tell you what you get. Ripped off. The game is not even going to be released for over a year. The game has over 1000 bugs or issues (I stopped tracking after I listed 1000). There is no customer service or help system. I literally have not had one issue resolved in over 7 years. If I couldn't trade in game gold for game time and expansions, I would have quit years ago. But this new release is theft on an expanded level.
I did this and so I just went to Shadowlands to solo content
I got everything except the pristine survival kit
soo, I can pay $50 and get access to war within AND Dragonflight? thats a steal
does this boost also be the same for the one you buy in the store?
Really annoyed, i got the boost and grinded to renown 26 with the accord for dragon armor but its still locked
Can I use this on a already 70 to just boost that chars gear and rep?
i boosted a character to 70, i get the renown boost but i cant buy anything for dragonraiding customs. anyone have this problem?
Can I skip the shadowlands campaign with this???
if i didnt do dragonflgiht quest line on any character and buy a boost, will i not have to the questline in the walking shores etc, cause now i cant even use portal to stormwind in valdrakken haha, i only sit at pvp vendor queing pvp, and cba doing quest line, so it would be nice if that was a thing 🙂
so ive been off wow for five months if i come back does that mean my level 70 charcters will have a gear upgrade? or is that only for charcter boost
WOW has gone pay 2 win 👎
As someone that got tired of "do all these world quests for 25-50 rep each!" chores after like a week (atleast it's not single digits like WoD rep grinds <_<) and also prefer leveling more classes than grind those tiny rep gains all day on one character, that instant rank 20 is quite nice.
the rest is a bit more hit/miss, it's kinda what you'd expect.
The reputation boost is soooo worth it
now cant you tell how to boost?
Is there any way to get more than 1 of the enhanced boosts?
Hallo…i want to start playing Wow again and i will create a new account for it.Should i order the Epic edition to play?It will give me this character boosted immediately or should i have to wait to get release in december of 2024?
I did not receive any reputation points after the boost. Does somebody know how to proceed to show the points?
I don’t know if this happened to anyone else but my boosted character doesn’t have any of the dragon riding abilities, I have all the glyphs but not abilities I even stared on the the quest and did the dragon riding quest and still nothing.
Has anyone else had this problem or know how to fix it?
Hi I'm coming back to wow haven't played Dragonflight so If I boost my alt that rep advantage will automatically be there for my main because I would like to experience everything on my main for the first time and what is the nuwe lvl rep cap ?
And does it matter which realm I use the boost does It need to be on the same realm because I'm looking into changing realms as well
Thank you
This boost is OP, sends you straight into end game at emerald dream where you got 3 weekly’s that award 441+ I’ll gear. Access to LFR from the jump, you will gear up for normal Raid in less than 2 weeks. Extremely beginner friendly. Now if it came with a link to Wowhead or Method build guides that’s all a new player would ever need
Where is the boost? I cant see it on my menu
What addon is giving you that UI?