Escaping the matrix In World Of Warcraft

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12 thoughts on “Escaping the matrix In World Of Warcraft”

  1. I was the dude you were giving tips on getting a group yesterday; after like 12 outright rejections, 15 ignores and 2 hours of spamming, I got in a group and hit purple parses until a Leroy trapped me out of Morphaz room and murdered me 😀

  2. This video hits home in alot of ways. I met my current guild at the launch of classic. Most of them stopped playing during the Naxx farm but we kept talking all day everyday in our discord. I kept playing and was a rank 1 parser throughout TBC – but wasnt having any fun as the new guild I was in just insufferable. We all decided to start playing together with the release of SoD, and its been a blast. After 4 years we decided to meet up for one of our weddings. I traveled from Nova Scotia to Mississippi for the wedding and had one of the best weeks of my life. Your guild, the friendships and interactions, the random silly ways to kill time all make this game what it is. I started playing at 18 when vanilla first launched and now my daughter is playing and is absolutely loving exploring the world and doing anything but actually questing haha Theres just something special about it.

    Bloodbull – Lone Wolf

  3. i love the style of video man its so enganging such a nice fresh twist on your content i think you should definetely make more like this. i had the same kind of experience as u i was playing night 1 of release and saw someone with a cool guild name and asked to join and got shot an invite, turns out theyve been playing with eachother since vanilla. everyones hella chill and get along well no loot dramas or anything like that just a bunch of people clearing content together, its really mad how a cool guild name can change a whole gameplay experience for people lol

  4. yo you actually do want the scepter though, so you can portal yourself in when the retards in your group ditch you (so you don't lose a lockout)

    just don't tell anyone else you have the scepter and use it selfishly

  5. Good video bro. Think i've seen your guild running around before. The other night I ran ST with a guild called "Savage" on Crusader Strike. Only a few of us had done the raid before so we wiped at least once on every boss. It was a rough run… but it was by far the funnest time i've ever had raiding. And it was because of the people. These guys didn't stress on the fights one bit. And when we did… it was hilarious. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. We had a guy get stuck in the bones randomly scattered through the dungeon. There was a deathroll roll-off over some loot. One guy got lost and we all watched him on stream die over and over to a Paladin. Everyone was positive and encouraging. Everyone was laughing and having a good time. This is what World of Warcraft is about and always will be about. Not spamming incursions… but the experiences with the people. Once again, good video bro. Keep em coming.


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