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Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvE BFA Guide:
Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA Guide:
Assassination Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA Guide:
Any buff for outlaw ???
Nerfs to resto druid makes it nerfs to my interest.
lmao they buff ww monks. they are already s+ tier in pvp
So nothing for demon hunters?
I'm surprised not to see another Enhancement Shaman nerf
These nerfs and buffs are nothing compared to what the game needs. Wtf 5% here and there…DUDE! ENHANCEMENT SHAMANS ARE BOTTOM DPS BY FUCKING 50%! Rofl thank god I didnt buy this shit expansion during free weekend…damn almost got scammed by blizz again 😂
Nerfing prot pally was unnecessary
currently still waiting for servers to open 9:49 am
As a new player (started a month ago), my huntard getting nerfed makes me sad
Well Ret got no mobility or defences but it got dmg and damage was now taken away just as expected, to not make execution sentence crit is great it was stupid RNG, but to nerf both exec and F reckoning by so much when that was practically the only damage dealer while a sub rogue can kill you in a 4 second stun… arms warrior damage increased😂 I've seen war in arena do 20k slam crit wtf is happening.
Intro 0:01
Organized by class
Druid 0:59
Hunter 1:55
Mages 3:00
Monk 4:23
Paladin 4:55
Priest 7:39
Shaman 7:56
Warrior 8:27
If your class is not here no changes.
Fuck yea, I can finally play my fury warrior again
The survival hunter struggle continues..
Yeah no shit frost mages been spamming ice lance because frost bolt does no damage lol.
Does anyone at blizzard play enhance? Lmao.
Do to be clear no DK and rogue changes?
When they nerf….. bm……. sighhhh (if they got 4id of the pet revive time I wouldn't care)
Dal with them great vids again Thank you man!!!
all the hunters crying is very amusing
Why oh fucking why did disc get nerfed, but MM hunter damage wasn’t touched for pvp?
Makes no sense
Make fun with Frost mage for 4 days and get nerfs i like it destroy my fun in game nice 👌
I saw 2 mages while leveling that were eliminating trash with just arcane explosion. Fights were lasting less than 10secs. I could see why it got the debuff
Buff paladins ? Xd blizzard totally cant make balance
Thank the light! Warriors are getting Buffs!!!
All those changes prove again that Blizzard only Balances around PvE.. its a shame and disgusting that they always ignore PvP..
buffing ww by 5% overall is just retarded regarding theyre being S tier already
Ferals being strong aswell 8% overall buff is just not acceptable..
Arms are tearing apart people burst wise and through constant pressure.. its not like the whole PvP state of prepatch is so burst heavy already.. which is not a bad thing dont understand me wrong you should be rewarded for bursting but thats just plain stupid.. why do these changes always apply in PvE aswell as PvP is mind boggling..
I just wanna say Volley is still probably the best talent for dungeons. I've been using it and didn't even know that the nerf went live
Lol I dream of survival working in m+ but still can’t get into any decent keys and being bottom on dps meter and getting flamed for it (although I know people are using rotation bots) still trying my best to get it going tho 🙂
Phew, no aff lock changes 😅
Do us a favor Dalaran, play frost mage. You don't just spam ice lance. You have to proc a proc then hit ice lance a few times then back to trying to proc. ITs not just spam one fking button. Idc about the nerfs as I have 5 toons to choose from all of which i enjoy but you sound ignorant when u say this. Just advice hopefully u take it. Oh, and no nerfs for the new cheese class of WOW SL, shadow priest lol. Shocker.
Adin ruins the vibe
dalaran what are the characters u gonna play in Shadowlands?
WTF… enhance Shaman should be getting like a fuck ton of Increase at least base damage or something… I'm main-ing enhance since BC but it seems like they have literally forgot that specification.
Rather, reduce the healing healing chain…. Congratulation. I don't care i Will main it in SL as well.. but for god's sake can it be visible on the dps meter just once at least and not on the bottom of it?
The thing i don't understand that enhance is not an easy spec. Have to pay attention to soooooooo much things besides the gcd-s and still it is a garbage in my opinion if a spec is hard to master than if you master in it it shall do amazing damage, well this was the total opposite in the last 3 exp.
3 button spec like freaking hunters.. "NAHHH MATE that's Completely OK"
We'll get to a point when my progress guild wont take me to the raids because low dps this should never happen to any class basically.
how can i get those wings ?