Everyone is Gearing To 615+ EASY After Learning THIS… | The War Within

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There is a ton of brand new content this week with the war within season 1 finally arriving and today we’re going to be breaking down how you can easily power up and get to 603 item level incredibly quickly, and we’re going to be showing you the ways to do so ranking from easiest to hardest.


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00:00 – Intro
00:16 – Free Tier Transfer
01:19 – World Bosses
02:14 – LFR
03:10 – Delves
04:47 – Mythic 0’s
05:50 – Raid
07:02 – Free Tier Piece
08:00 – Thank you all so much!


31 thoughts on “Everyone is Gearing To 615+ EASY After Learning THIS… | The War Within”

  1. Dont use the catalyst on your items to get a set piece before you have another one. With bad luck you might end up getting the same piece you just transformed from the vault or from the raid. Wait until you get 1 other piece then use the catalyst to get the 2 set bonus.

  2. My problem is when you start to try to upgrade the gear you don't have enough of the tokens or the crest so you have to choose wisely what year upgrading obviously you don't want to waste any of your tokens and Crest on explore and adventure but veteran gear can get you in the door for some of these things so honestly you're going to have to upgrade some of the veteran gear to get started to get these 606 hero and Champion gears but again you won't be able to upgrade them because you spent all of your Crest and your tokens on upgrading some of your veteran gear

  3. Big fan of yours since SOD but the overly sensationalized title coupled with poor advice on the catalyst leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I appreciate trying to catch viewers attention but I hope you return to your original content style.

  4. First tip is trash. NEVER do a catalyst use the first week. especially now that most of us will get Hero pieces from delve weekly and Normal raid is allrdy pugAble… wait until next week to get your 2set or 4 set if u are very lucky this first week

  5. I’ve found this xpac to be absolutely flooded with gear so far. Was 586 and had three champion pieces and mostly veteran pieces after that, before I even stepped foot in the raid just from outdoor content and +8 delves. This is a massive difference from the past where I would gear from raiding, but now I’m getting normal raid pieces that are worse than what I have already equipped. I am excited that outdoor content feels more meaningful than in a long time. A little wary tho, because I just don’t want to see gear become trivially easy to get (which is the philosophy that ruined other large parts of the game already like leveling — just make it easy, no effort, everyone gets everything just for logging in.. i remember way back when it was exciting to get a “green item” bc of the effort it took and you weren’t just flooded with rewards every second. I hope gear remains a challenge to work toward). Right now it feels like a good balance, happy with the xpac so far.

  6. Just dont use catalyst for now, only later for myth gear. For gearing farm T8 delves for full 606 gear then go heroic raids for 616 gear and then when available mythic raids or m10 dungeon for max myth gear, after u get max gear then use catalyst. But speaking of gearing up fast you can forget that, everything needs some time… speaking of 606 gear its fast yeah, but going above can take up weeks or maybe even months, depends on luck/time as a example, i did full heroic raid with no drop x). Besides that if you dont want to do heroic raids you can do T8 delves for vault, you can get ilvl616 there each week, but that can take up to months to get full gear aswell.

  7. I liked your content for SoD but this is just mega clickbait. Using Catalyst now is just a scam since its a good chance that you waste it. Personally full cleared Nornal and Heroic raid and used 13 Delve keys. I am 606 ilvl.

  8. Clickbait! 615+ this week is not easy and everybody is certainly not doing it after watching this video. And really bad advice telling people to use the catalyst on a piece right now… Luckily I knew this, but I have trusted you on other advice before. I am going to unsubscribe and thumbs down based on this video since I don't consider you a trusted source anymore.

  9. I've failed with 7 toons on world bosses. I was thinking of deleting everything then I saw this video which reminded me to not be sad. Though I am still confused, is that mathematically possible? Or does WOW or Jesus hate me? i've seen many people getting 606 gear I believe.

  10. Do Raids, Delves and m0 to get better gear?? Whaaaaat? Thank God for this awesome "guide" … I would have never tought of this if it wasnt for this video.. this clickbait should be banned…


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